When does the abdomen drop before giving birth to the moles?

Quite often, women who are preparing to become a mother for the second time are interested in the question of when the abdomen falls before the forthcoming births in the miscreants. After all, every pregnant woman knows that this fact is one of the main and first signs of an early onset of the birth process. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and tell you on what term the belly is usually dropped in the molester, and why it depends.

What causes the lowering of the abdomen at the end of pregnancy?

Before we deal with the week in which the belly descends down in the moles, it must be said that this phenomenon in itself is due to a change in the height of the standing of the uterine fundus.

So, usually by the 36th week , the fall of the uterine fundus drops by 4-6 cm. As a result, the fetal bladder moves along with the baby, which leads to the lowering of the abdomen.

Even if a woman does not notice the moment when this happens, she will necessarily feel its effects on herself: dyspnea disappears, it becomes easier to breathe. This is explained by the fact that as a result of this phenomenon, the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm is reduced.

When does the abdomen usually drop in the miscreant?

Often this phenomenon in primiparas is observed 3-4 weeks before appearance of the baby in the light. As for women who already have a second baby, this phenomenon occurs 5-7 days before the onset of labor.

The main question that arises after a belly has fallen in a mongrel relates to when to give birth. As a rule, no more than a week passes from the moment until the onset of the birth process.

It is also necessary to note the fact that women, giving birth to the second and subsequent babies, the abdomen before the forthcoming childbirth, may not go down and not fall. Especially often this is observed in cases when the pregnant woman has 2 fetuses at once or when it is a large fetus.