Fashionable tattoos 2013

Tattooing is one of the ways of self-expression. Today, drawings on the skin are more ornamental, rather than informative. However, for many, a tattoo is a reflection of the inner world of a person.

Tattoos for women

When choosing a tattoo, women, unlike men, are more focused on the beauty of the drawing and its aesthetic side. Often for women, tattooing is a way to overcome complexes, an attempt to stand out and demonstrate a social status. As a rule, women's tattoos are not aggressive and are aimed at a life-affirming position. Most often, women prefer animal patterns, colors or abstract patterns.

Fashionable tattoo - another secret rule for girls when choosing a picture. This side of the issue is given great importance by the beautiful sex. What kind of tattoos will be in vogue in 2013?

The most fashionable tattoo 2013

In 2013 it is fashionable to make tattoos in the form of jewelry: chains, bracelets, earrings. Such drawings can give even more originality with the help of color.

Especially popular are temporary tattoos that can be washed off or erased. Such figures include biotate and transfer tattoos. Such tattoos are convenient for creating a certain image. In 2013, one of the most fashionable tattoos will be the Chanel, PlayBoy and other stylish brands, especially if they adorn the ankle, shoulder or wrist. You can also improve your image by combining tattoos with fur. For example, cover the tattoo on the shoulder with a fur cloak, so that the figure only peeks out.

Fashionable 2013 tattoos fit any style of clothing, whether it's evening dress or torn jeans. Such drawings give girls more femininity, mystery and attractiveness.