Warm Women's Gloves

With the approach of cold weather, we are thinking about how to update your wardrobe in such a way as not to freeze in the cold. An integral accessory for late autumn and winter are warm women's gloves. About their varieties and how to properly choose such a subject of the wardrobe, we'll talk in this article.

Varieties of women's gloves

The so-called model gloves, to which we are all so accustomed, appeared in the twelfth century. In those distant times only representatives of the upper classes could afford them, and commoners had to do without gloves. Times changed, gradually warm gloves for women became more accessible. Today, each fair sex representative owns at least one pair of gloves, and this is not only a stylish accessory, but also a banal protection from the cold.

Warm gloves for women are made from a variety of materials. This is a natural and artificial leather, textiles, wool. In addition to its main function - to warm your hands in frost - gloves are also a fashionable decoration, because designers decorate them with rhinestones, sequins, beads, add zippers and rivets. And all this so that the lady in gloves felt really fashionable.

Let's talk in detail, what kind of gloves are and for what period they are suitable:

  1. Fabric gloves . Such an accessory, like gloves made of cloth, is not suitable for the cold season. They should be worn in the off-season. They are not able to protect your hands from rain and snow, so give them preference in clear dry weather.
  2. Leather gloves . Perhaps, long warm gloves made of leather are the most suitable accessory for moderately cold and rainy weather. However, in severe frost these gloves do not always cope with their main function - to provide heat.
  3. Woolen gloves . Answering the question, which seals are most suitable for the winter, you can safely say - of course, women's knitted warm gloves . They are quite practical, since they will really provide warmth to your hands. But we must not forget about the cons: they quickly get dirty and easily get wet. Therefore, warm wool gloves are ideal for those days when the air temperature beats negative records, but there is no precipitation.

When choosing warm women's gloves, check whether they are insulated or not. What else to look for when buying? Here are a few important points:

Gloves distinguish not only by material and texture, but also by length. For this, it is customary to use the French classification. For example, the so-called 2-button is a shortened glove; 4-button - gloves, whose length above the wrist is about 5 cm; 6-button - long warm gloves to the middle of the forearm.

Our tips will help you figure out which gloves are the warmest for the winter, and which ones are better to wear in the warmer season. Wear them with pleasure, guarding your hands from temperature changes, precipitation and winter cold!