Box for seedlings

Box for seedlings is one of the most common options for containers used for growing plants. Many gardeners consider them more convenient in comparison with other types of packaging.

Boxes for seedlings have the following advantages:

Types of boxes for seedlings

Depending on the material of production, the boxes are divided into wooden, tin and plastic.

In addition, you can grow seedlings in boxes in many ways. Depending on this design, there are:

Wooden boxes for seedlings

Wooden boxes for seedlings are very easy to make by yourself. This will require:

The drawbacks of a wooden box include difficulties in extracting seedlings from it (the root system may be traumatized), and the large weight of the box filled with earth, which makes it difficult to carry it.

Section box for seedlings

A sectional or multicellular seed box is an excellent alternative to various small-size containers - disposable cups or plastic bottles. This design will allow you to observe a larger order and make the cultivation of plants more convenient. The material for the box is wood or rigid plastic. The walls must necessarily be opaque in order to protect the root system of plants from light.

The main advantage of this type of box is that the roots of the plants are separated and do not encounter obstacles in the way of their growth.

Other variants of seedlings for growing seedlings may be containers made from paper, foil bags from milk or juice, cropped plastic bottles.

Which boxes are best for seedlings?

In order to create optimal conditions for growing seedlings, it is recommended to adhere to the following standard proportions when manufacturing boxes:

The box for seedlings must meet the following criteria:

Thus, for growing seedlings, boxes are used that can be purchased or easily manufactured independently.