
When performing manicure, many different tools are used, which are necessary for high-quality surface treatment and removal of coarse skin. One of the most necessary devices is a nail file. Such an accessory allows not only to give the plates the desired shape and to adjust the length, but also to level their surface, improve the relief, give smoothness and shine.

What kind of nail files for artificial nails?

Materials for building , acrylic and gel, after drying, become very durable, much harder than natural nail plates. Therefore, their processing should be done with saws with a low abrasiveness and hard spraying.

Experts recommend using the following varieties of nail files:

  1. Metal. The tool, as a rule, has a coarse-grained coating, ideal for the filing of acrylic nails. In other cases (gel build-up or natural nails), the metal device is considered too aggressive.
  2. Plastic. Excellent budget option, both for manicure salon and home use. The saw is made of ordinary or foamed plastic (polyurethane), it is easy to clean and disinfect.
  3. Paper. Usually such a tool is purchased for self-treatment of nails. The base of the nail file is compressed paper, the deposition is the same as in the previous paragraph - quartz, granite, Teflon crumb. But it can not be washed and wiped with a disinfectant solution.
  4. Corundum. This tool is almost identical to the plastic saw blade, it is distinguished by its durability due to natural spraying with ruby ​​particles.
  5. Glass. With a proper and careful care such a nail file can last a long period of time. It is well disinfected and cleaned thoroughly. The glass device is preferably used in the treatment of gel build-up, for acrylic it is not sufficiently rigid.

Which nail file is best for natural nails?

Care for natural nail plates involves a soft and gentle treatment, which does not damage the surface. Particular attention must be paid to tools in the presence of brittleness, delamination and brittleness.

Masters of manicure advise to use glass and laser files for natural nails. They ensure careful removal of the stratum corneum, do not spoil the structure of the plates. In addition, such accessories help to avoid cracks, foliation and fracture during processing.

More expensive, but very durable and high-quality are crystal and ceramic nail files. In addition to such advantages as sparing the filing and sealing of damaged edges, these tools are versatile. They can be used to remove coarse skin, cuticle and side rolls. The only drawback of the saws considered is the fragility of the material from which they are made.

How much grit should be in the nail file for natural and nails?

The index of rigidity of the device is their abrasiveness, which is measured in grits. The higher it is, the finer the grinding is used for sputtering.

For natural nails should be selected relatively soft files with an abrasiveness of 180-320 grit.

Gel or acrylic gel plates require harder nail files, from 80 to 180 grit.

Tools with very high abrasivity, from 320 to 1000 grit, are designed for grinding the surface of nails. Their final polishing and glossing is carried out with saws from 1000 grit.