How much does the temperature with bronchitis?

One of the main signs of a complex respiratory disease - bronchitis - is high fever. It arises suddenly and quickly rises to a high level. In addition, accompanied by a fever, which significantly worsens the patient's condition. Sometimes it may seem that the temperature has reached a critical level. But the peculiarity of bronchitis is that, depending on the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence, the temperature may be low or absent for a while, rising at a certain stage of the development of the disease. Therefore, the answer to the question of how many days the temperature keeps with bronchitis is of interest to doctors, since it can determine the nature of the treatment.

What is the temperature with bronchitis?

Bronchitis has several forms, each of which has its own signs. For example, acute obstructive bronchitis manifests itself only on the second or third day with the following symptoms:

At the same time, the temperature drops significantly before the complete recovery of the body. This often confuses the patient, especially if he is self-medicated, so the patient ceases to adhere to bed rest and take part of the medication.

If the cause of bronchitis is parainfluenza infection, then the temperature can jump sharply and gradually subside within two to three days.

In the event that the disease provoked the flu, the high temperature with bronchitis does not subside within five days and it is extremely difficult to knock down, at least to 37.5 degrees.

Another reason for the appearance of bronchitis is an adenovirus infection . With her body is extremely difficult to respond to the appearance of the virus, so the temperature holds about 38 degrees for a long enough period - from seven to ten days.

Special cases

It is increasingly difficult to deal with the acute form of the disease, which can be caused by pneumococci and streptococci. So, with chronic bronchitis, the temperature can be either high or absent in principle, so the symptomatology of the disease is sufficiently individual.

There are also cases when the course of treatment of bronchitis has ended safely, but after a while the patient begins to suffer from a constant temperature of 37 degrees, despite the fact that there are no predispositions for its appearance. But, despite this, the subfebrile parameters of the thermometer can last about two months. This is a serious argument to consult a doctor. Often the presence of such a temperature indicates an inflammatory process in the body, which already speaks of the need for drug treatment.