Leeks - cultivation

Leek is a two-year herbaceous plant, a relative of the usual onion , which can be eaten at any time of the year. Its stem can be conditionally called an onion. Because leeks contain a large amount of carotene and vitamin C, it can rightfully be called a dietary product. To know how to grow leeks properly, carefully read information about the features of his farming techniques.

Leeks: cultivation, planting and care

Onions have a long period of vegetation (about 6-7 months), so planting leeks with seedlings is preferable.

Cultivation of leeks from seeds begin in the middle of March. For this, the seeds must be prepared: they must be soaked in warm water (30 degrees) for three days. In this case, water should be periodically changed. Then the seeds should be kept in a warm place between the layers of wet sawdust. Such manipulations will help to ensure that the seeds will ascend faster.

Before you start planting leeks you need to prepare boxes for seedlings. As a primer, a soddy land with humus or sphagnum peat is suitable.

For sowing seeds, make grooves at a distance of 5 cm. One box should contain 2-3 grams of seeds. They are closed to a depth of not more than one centimeter. After sowing, the soil is compacted and watered. Next, seedlings should be covered with a plastic bag to maintain the optimum temperature level (20-25 degrees). Once emerged, the temperature should be reduced to 10 degrees. Further in the daytime, the air temperature should be 15-18 degrees, and at night - 6-10 degrees.

During the growth of the seedling, it is fed twice with a mixture of mineral fertilizers, consisting of superphosphate, urea and potassium chloride.

In thickened areas it is necessary to thin out the seedlings so that the spacing between the shoots is not less than 2 centimeters.

Seedlings of leek seeds need regular watering.

About a week before the landing of the leeks in the open ground, the plant must be tempered. To do this, reduce watering, reduce the temperature in the room, where the onions are grown. It is not superfluous to take out boxes with seedlings in the open air.

Plant leeks in the open ground in early May. From the moment of seed sowing, it should take about two months. By this time the plant was already strong enough: it has a solid root system, four well developed leaves and reaches a height of 20 centimeters.

Plant it should be on a well-lit part of the site, because in the shade he will feel bad.

When planting seedlings on a permanent place, it is important to observe a two-line scheme, which means planting shoots at a distance of 10 cm from each other, and between rows - at least 30 cm.

How to care for leek after planting?

Leeks are an unpretentious plant. Therefore, even beginners can start growing it. However, after you have planted the seedlings in the open ground, care must be taken to ensure that the leek grows strong and tasty. Care for him is as follows:

When to clean leeks?

The onion can be cleaned at any time as needed. You can harvest until the fall. After the harvest is collected the plant needs to cut the damaged leaves, prune the roots to one centimeter in length. The leaves are cut off by one third. Store leeks better in the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 degrees. Beforehand, leeks should be wrapped in polyethylene film. So it will be stored longer and will not lose its useful properties.

Growing and caring for leek is simple enough. And if you meet all the conditions for its growth as a result, you will get not only a tasty, but also a useful product, which is an additional source of vitamins.