Mint jam

Mint jam is not just an original and piquant sweet addition to tea. Such a billet can be successfully used as a basis for preparing a popular mojito or making a refreshing jelly from it, adding water to the gelatin. In addition, peppermint is perfectly combined with cooking jam with strawberries , creating just a stunning taste bouquet of delicacies.

The best recipes for preparing mint blanks are suggested below in our material.

Mint jam - the best recipe with lemon



Preparing to prepare mint jam, sprigs of mint are washed under running water, finely chopped and put into a saucepan. My lemon, scalded with boiling water, cut into thin mugs and sent to mint. Fill all with water, put on a hotplate on the stove, and after boiling, cook on moderate heat for fifteen minutes. After this, let the broth cool down under the lid, and clean for twelve hours on the shelf of the refrigerator. After a while, strain the mass through the gauze cut in half, add the sugar in the resulting liquid and put it on the stove again, stirring. After the full boiling of the syrup and the dissolution of all the sugar crystals, boil the jam for seven minutes, then pour on jars, cover them with covers, let them cool down and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Strawberry-mint jam is simple and tasty



Leaves of mint in strawberry jam will refresh the taste of the billet and make it original and unrepeatable. To make such a delicacy ripe fresh strawberries are washed in a cool water, thrown in a colander, dried on a towel, and then released from the sepals. We put the berries in an enameled container, pouring the layers with sugar, and leave it on the shelf of the refrigerator for a few hours or better at night.

After a while, we place the base of the jam on the plate and heat it, stirring, to a boil and dissolve all the sugar crystals. We set aside the container with the workpiece to the side until it is completely cooled, after which we again give a boil, and boil for five minutes. Repeat the procedure a couple of times, then add the lemon juice, washed and cut into small pieces of mint, cook the jam for the last time seven minutes or until the desired density and pour out in advance prepared sterile containers. We seal the jars with boiled lids and put them to cool down, covered with a blanket.

Mint jam at home with citric acid



To prepare mint jam for this recipe, sprigs of mint are rinsed with cold water, dried thoroughly and cut into small pieces. We put the received weight in a vessel for cooking jam and pour half the norm of granulated sugar. Lemon acid is mixed with a tablespoon of boiled water and poured into mint with sugar. Shake the contents of the container well and leave to infuse for five to seven hours. After that, from the remaining sugar and water, prepare the sugar syrup, mixing the ingredients in another container and boiling, stirring, over moderate heat until a slight thickening.

Pour the finished syrup to the billet with mint, put it on the stove on a moderate fire, let it boil, stirring, and cook for another seven minutes, then pour it on sterile jars, tighten the lids and after cooling put it in a cool place.