Peony evading - medicinal properties

This flower is known as marjin root, lamb, marina grass and heart berries. In traditional medicine, it is called a peony evading - the medicinal properties of this plant are used to make pharmacological preparations (tinctures). Traditional healers have limited use of marjin root because of some of its toxicity, although it helps against a large number of diseases of the nervous, vascular, digestive and reproductive system.

Therapeutic properties of the deviant peony

The described plant belongs to the group of natural adaptogens - the means that help to increase the activity of the immune system, which support the body during chemotherapy and radioactive irradiation.

The most pronounced sedation is the pioneering deviant. Taking medicines based on roots and the ground part of the maria root helps restore the functions of the nervous system, cope with stress and emotional overload. Moreover, the means with the pion extract stimulate the production of the so-called "happiness hormone" (endorphin), so they improve the mood, relieve irritability and depression.

Additional positive effects:

It is important to note that the marin root also gently corrects the hormonal balance in the female body, can serve as a component of replacement therapy for climacteric syndrome and other serious disorders of this kind.

Contraindications and medicinal properties of tincture of peon dodging

The considered preparation, as a rule, is appointed for normalization of an emotional background at such conditions:

Also, the tincture of the marie root helps to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, relieves spasms and seizures, migraine attacks.

For women, this drug is recommended as a maintenance therapy for cystic lesions in the ovaries and mammary glands, erosion of the cervix.
