What is deja vu - explanation of the phenomenon

It is peculiar for a person to experience different feelings, rejoice or resent. In addition to the usual emotions, there can be unforeseen and vague - the feeling of a reality that has been lived in the past, it is usually called a concrete phenomenon. What is this deja vu, and how does the "falsely experienced" information come to our minds, even scientists have not even unraveled it?

Déjà vu - what does that mean?

The term deja vu is of French origin "déjà vu" in the translation it sounds "already seen", this is a short-term state of the human psyche, when it perceives the situation as previously seen - the state of omen to specific events in the future. There is no logical explanation for the deja vu effect, but psychologists recognize this phenomenon as real and inherent in the human mind.

The reason for the occurrence of deja vu is not disclosed, the studies conducted call several versions that provoke this state in the subconscious. A person can perceive deja vu as a dream previously seen, or an abnormal state of the psyche - a complex game of the brain, which is not accepted to speak out loud.

Why does the deja vu effect occur?

The study of the reason why déjà vu arises is practiced by many specialists: psychologists, parapsychologists, biologists and physiologists and those who practice occult science. Modern scientific studies treat the occurrence of "false memories" - deja vu, in the temporal section of the brain called the hippocampus, while simultaneously recording and analyzing the perceived information in the brain.

Violations in the work of the hippocamus, for a few seconds, lead to the introduction of information into the memory center without preliminary analysis, but failure after a short time - a fraction of seconds, is restored, and the incoming information is processed again, perceived as "previously seen" - false memories are formed. A person can feel the loss of reality, the events that occur can seem unnatural and unreal.

Dejavu is a scientific explanation

To name specific reasons for deja vu, and to characterize this state as a positive or negative state of the psyche is difficult. One of the hypotheses describes the formation of such a state in moments of total relaxation, the removal from anxious and negative thoughts, which cause on a subconscious level the pictures that form future events and experiences. Psychologists note several factors that can cause deja vu:

Getting into an unknown situation, to prevent a stressful condition, the human brain begins to actively analyze known facts, look for suitable images and spontaneously invent new elements of information. This condition often occurs in fully mentally healthy people, but epileptics and people with previously experienced trauma in the temporal part of the head are more likely to experience "erroneous memory".

Deja vu in Psychology

He expressed his hypothesis about deja vu Sigmund Freud, he believed that this phenomenon is a real memory, long hidden (sometimes specially) in the subconscious. The concealment of such information can be provoked by painful experiences of concrete circumstances, or by public negative opinions, religious prohibitions. Detailed examples of deja vu, based on real examples, he described in his works "Psychopathology of everyday life".

Types of deja vu

Psychologists, describing the phenomenon of deja vu, distinguish in it the six most common species that can occur in the daily life of each person. It is generally believed that such abilities do not occur in children under 18 years of age, they are inherent in emotionally active people who are acutely responsive to events prone to a detailed analysis of circumstances that have a huge life experience. Different faces of deja vu:

  1. Deja veku - the feeling that a person is familiar with the circumstance in more small details hidden in the present time, accompanied by the knowledge of sounds and smells and the prediction of further events.
  2. Deja visit - a clear orientation in an unknown location, knowledge of the route in a place where a person has never been.
  3. Deja senti - a false memory of past feelings, arises from sound or voice, reading an episode of a book.
  4. Presque vu - an importunate sensation that a person is about to see insight, and will unravel the fact hidden from others, search in memory of associative details, if such appear, then there is an acute sense of moral satisfaction.
  5. Jama Vu - the well-known situation becomes unrecognizable, unusual.
  6. The staircase mind is later the right decision for specific circumstances, a successful replica or tactful move, which are now useless.

Déjà vu and thumieu

Scientists conducted studies of the state of deja vu on the contrary, as a result, it was proved that a jumew occurs, from a temporary overload of the brain - a protective reflex that protects the mind from fatigue, during intensive work. A person finding himself in familiar surroundings with familiar people, may temporarily lose the sense of reality - do not understand why he is here. Often such a condition is characterized as a mental disorder - a symptom of senile psychosis , schizophrenia, paramnesia.

How to cause deja vu?

Artificially provoke a sense of deja vu can not. He is considered a splash on the subconscious level, not susceptible to conscious emergence. The feeling of the reality of the circumstances and feelings experienced in the past arises suddenly, and just as suddenly disappears, at the very beginning of the occurrence, deja vu may seem a temporary illusion or an unmanageable psychic ability - a glance into parallel reality.

How to get rid of feelings of deja vu?

Many scientists associate the occurrence of deja vu with brain fatigue, based on this hypothesis, the treatment of this phenomenon is formed - a change in the usual schedule. Effective advice how to get rid of deja vu - give maximum time for proper sleep; to engage in physically active recreation in nature; listen to the silence and sounds of nature; to achieve full relaxation; temporarily exclude the load on the brain.

Is this good or bad for Dejavu?

The first description, which treats a malfunction in the brain, and the explanation that deja vu is bad, was compiled by Aristotle. It occurs in a person on the basis of serious mental trauma, or hidden complexes, events hiding in the past. In order to get rid of deja vu, you need to mentally conduct a detailed analysis of the experiences of anxious situations, compare the past with the current opportunities that give the choice of action in specific circumstances. It is impossible to change the past, it is important to learn from it a lesson, and the negative "deliberately disposed of."

Deja vu and schizophrenia

Psychoanalysts characterize the occurrence of the deja vu effect as a sign of schizophrenia and epilepsy, it can last from a couple of seconds to 5 minutes. If this condition occurs frequently and is repeated several times, and also has pronounced signs of hallucinations, you need to contact specialists, it will determine the degree of the condition as the norm or pathology requiring complex treatment.