Sensory education of children of preschool age

From birth, nature endows man with eyes, ears and tactile receptors. This all allows the child from a very young age to establish close contact with the outside world. These organs are the peripheral part of the analyzers, whose center is in the brain. Thus, sensory education of children of preschool age is the most important component of development. Precisely the preschool age, according to many educators and child psychologists, is the "golden age" of sensory education.

Development of sensory abilities of preschool children

For the harmonious development of your child, in addition to good nutrition, adequate physical activity and immense parental love, it is extremely necessary to develop sensory abilities. Children of preschool age, senses and the brain are sufficiently developed to master this kind of information. Like any other educational system, the theory of sensory development has its own tasks and methods. Let's take a closer look at them.

1. The tasks of sensory education of preschool children.

2. Methods of sensory education of schoolchildren.

Development of sensory sensitivity of preschool children

Sensory sensitivity is a person's ability to perceive stimuli from the outside world, process them, and correctly interpret. It includes a sense of touch, sight and hearing. That is, with the development of sensory sensitivity of preschool children all three components must be taken into account.

The best sensory education is given through sensory games for preschoolers. We bring to your attention the following games that will help to bring notes of diversity and creativity to your life, as well as will be very useful to your child.

Try to use as few comments and explanations as possible during the game - better show the kid in practice what he needs to do, and then ask to repeat for you. The more a child will touch, watch and fold toys of different colors and shapes, the faster he will have a diagram in his head that will help him to determine the parameters of the object and contribute to a thorough development of the sensory abilities of preschool children. And it is not necessary to immediately remember the names and definitions. Much more important is the development of sensations and imagination.

Of course, for each age there are tasks that the child is able to fulfill:

  1. In the first year of life - give the child toys of different sizes, colors and shapes. This will help prepare the ground for further development.
  2. In the second year, the child is interested in matching games, for example, hit the ball in the hole, put the ball in the bucket, and the cube into the square hole. At first the child will act intuitively, since for him the moment of disappearance of the toy that passes through the hole is of interest. Gradually, he will begin to understand which hole, which toy corresponds. When the baby becomes uninteresting, go to smaller toys and complex shapes.
  3. In the third year of life, knowledge is fixed - a child can group objects, resulting in an interesting result - a picture, a mosaic, a picture of puzzles.

The earlier you begin to deal with the sensory development of a preschooler, the more indicative will be his results.