Fruit ice cream at home

Ice cream is one of the traditionally popular treats, especially for hot and warm days. The assortment of ice cream offered by retail chains is great and abundant, however, modern samples of this delicious treat often contain a lot of different absolutely unuseful chemical additives. But there is a way out: you can make homemade fruit ice cream - it's not so difficult to make, as it might seem at first glance.

There are different recipes for home fruit ice cream.

Ice cream from peaches



It is necessary to create optimal conditions in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator in advance, that is, to turn the regulator to the extreme position, so that the temperature becomes as low as possible.

Dissolve sugar in boiling water and boil the syrup for 3 minutes. Cool it to room temperature and add cream, vanilla and rum. Stirring.

We cut off the peaches from the peaches, remove the bones and punch the pulp in the blender. Immediately add the juice of one lemon. Mix the peach mass with sugar and cream, whisk thoroughly and place in a closed bowl in the freezer compartment for 20 minutes, then beat the mixture and freeze for another 20 minutes. Repeat whipping 3-5 times, then fill the mixture with the ice cream mold and freeze it for a minimum of 2 hours. When the mass solidifies sufficiently, the cold regulator can be moved to the normal position. You can leave the ice cream in the freezer or serve to the table.

Of course, ice cream can be cooked not only from peaches. Cream can be replaced with unsweetened natural yoghurt - also it will be delicious. You can not use the milk component at all.

Homemade ice cream "fruit ice"

For the preparation of home ice cream "fruit ice" we use as a basic filler any natural fresh fruit juice or puree, sugar is possible, but not necessary. You will also need gelatin and / or starch, lemon juice (or citric acid) and water.



For a cranberry, orange or red-ice cream (in general, for any initially sour juice), lemon juice is not required.

We make syrup: sugar is completely dissolved in water (it can be heated). At room temperature, we add starch or gelatin to the syrup - these additives will stabilize the mixture and allow it to thicken.

When the stabilizer (starch or gelatin) is dissolved in water completely, mix it with fruit juice or puree. Can be filtered through a strainer. Pour the mixture into a bowl and place (under the lid) in the freezer compartment for 20 minutes, then beat the whisk or fork with the mixture and pour into the molds. We place the forms in the freezer compartment for 1-2 hours.

"Fruit ice", prepared by successive flooding of layers of different colors from different fruits, has a more attractive appearance and, of course, taste, you can combine, for example, redcodin and apricot juices.

This delicacy is prepared in the same way as multilayer jelly: first we fill one form into the molds, then, when the first layer freezes, we add another one. You can also add various wines (table, sweet, semi-sweet, special) to this type of ice cream.

To prepare homemade fruit ice cream, you can also use ready-made (including reconstituted) juices and nectars, but nevertheless it is desirable that these be the most natural products.