Encopresis in children: treatment

Encopresis is called stool incontinence, which occurs unconsciously, the inability to control the act of defecation. The disease occurs in children from 4 years and older. After all, from this age set the ability to use the toilet.

Encopresis: Causes

To the incontinence of feces in children can result in:

The most common cause of encopresis in children are neuroses, which appear after suffering fright, loss of loved ones, in unfavorable circumstances in the family. This type of disease is called neurotic encopresis.

Treatment of pediatric encopresis

The choice of therapy depends on the cause that caused the fecal incontinence. Diseases of the intestine offer advice to the proctologist, and disorders in the spine are the neuropathologist.

With chronic constipation, cleansing enemas and laxatives are shown (Dufalac, Senna infusions). It is necessary to empty the bowel before going to bed. A special laxative diet and medications are prescribed, normalizing the dysbacteriosis states - prebiotics. The child should perform a set of exercises to maintain stool (tension and relaxation of the anus), which will teach him to empty the intestines in portions.

In addition, an emptying control exercise is used, in which the encopresis sufferer is sent at regular intervals for 5 minutes to a pot or toilet bowl. If the child manages to go "great", he is encouraged by a kind word, sweetness, or some other way.

When neurotic encopresis will need the help of a child psychologist. The main method treatment is psychotherapy (play, family). With strong neuroses, nootropic drugs (piracetam, encephabol, nootropil) can be prescribed.

Along with the medicinal methods of treatment, the child needs psychological support from the parents. It is necessary to convince the child in the absence of his guilt in what is happening and in the success of overcoming the problem. It is desirable to create a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family.

In some cases, treatment with folk remedies is necessary for encopresis. It involves the use of soothing infusions of herbs (valerian root, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, motherwort).

In general, the success of treatment of encopresis depends on the confidence of the child and his parents in recovery.