The child overheated in the sun - temperature 38

Summer is a great time of the year. It is his parents who choose to travel, travel to nature and rest at sea. Sad to say, but the fact that the child overheated in the sun, and he had a fever of 38, ranks first in the number of calls to the doctor when the baby is on vacation.

The temperature from overheating in the sun in a child can rise if the baby has received a sun or heat stroke. The first can happen if the crumb for a long time was with an exposed head in the sun, and the second can occur with a general overheating of the whole organism.

Symptoms of solar and thermal shock

The signs of these conditions are very similar and, as a rule, overheating in the sun in a child is expressed by the following symptoms:

And this is not all. Many children, playing in the sun, are unlikely to be able to explain that something is going wrong with them. Therefore, one of the first signs by which parents can determine the child's overheating is a change in the color of the face towards pallor or, conversely, severe redness.

First aid for overheating

Of course, it is better not to allow a heat or sunstroke, but if this happens, the baby should be given urgent help. What to do if the child has overheated in the sun and has a temperature of more than 38 degrees:

  1. Remove the child from the sun and strip it. It is very good to put the baby in a cool, well ventilated room. To blow off crumbs, you can use a fan or, if there is not one, then self-fan it. Remove the child's outer clothing and shoes.
  2. Put wet compresses. It is recommended to cover the baby with wet cloths, starting with the forehead and the heart. Further compresses are placed in the groin area, underarms, wrists and under the knees. Such actions will help not only to bring down the temperature of the child after exposure to the sun, but also to protect his body from heat shock.
  3. Abundant drink. As already mentioned, if after a stay in the street the temperature rises and the child does not sweat, then it overheats in the sun and signs of dehydration begin to appear. To prevent this, it is recommended to give plenty of water to the baby with salted water (3 tablespoons of boiled cold water take half a teaspoon of salt).
  4. Give febrifugal. If after a walk in the sun the child has a very high temperature, then in addition to measures to cool the entire body, it is recommended to offer a medicine to crumbs . For this, preparations based on ibuprofen are generally suitable, as a rule, these are sweet-tasting syrups, which are pleasant for children to drink: Nurofen, Ibupen, Ibuprofen, etc. The child has a high temperature after the sun with a thermal shock, usually holds no more than 48 hours. If on the third day the situation does not improve, then you need to see a doctor.
  5. Treat sunburn, if any. Very often it happens that the child is burnt in the sun and in addition to the temperature it is necessary to eliminate and redden the skin. In addition to well-known folk remedies: fatty sour cream, cucumber slices and cosmetic creams, use medicines: Panthenol, Lioxazine, Psilo-balm , etc. They are applied to damaged skin several times a day and they will quickly get rid of redness of the skin and pain.

At a high temperature in a baby it is important not only to lower it, but also to ensure that the body quickly experienced a heat or sunstroke. It is worth remembering that everywhere you need a measure, especially when it comes to the health of the child. Do not zealous, for example, with compresses, dipping them in the icy water, or the bed of the child under the very cold air of the air conditioner.