Joints of arms or hand hurt and legs or foots - than to treat?

Diseases of the joints first began to bother our distant ancestors, Neanderthals. Over time, the problem only worsened. Why the joints of the hands and feet ache, than to treat them and to which doctor to apply - all this we will discuss further.

Because of what usually hurt the joints of the hands and feet?

Unofficially, all joint diseases can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Diseases of inflammatory nature (arthritis).
  2. Diseases not inflammatory in nature (arthrosis).
  3. Rheumatic disorders.

Arthritis usually develops against the background of infectious diseases, and sometimes they can be provoked even by a cold. Characteristic signs - an increase in body temperature, swelling and redness of the joints. Also among the frequent causes of arthritis development are chronic trauma.

Arthroses are also provoked by trauma, but more often the destruction of joints is not an inflammatory nature is the result of prolonged or intense stress on the joint. This may be due to both the kind of activity, and the way of life of a person, his age.

The causes of rheumatism have not been accurately established by scientists. There are suggestions that these diseases can be associated with foreign microorganisms, but much more probable causes - system failures in the work of internal organs and immunity disorders.

The joints of the hands and feet acutely hurt when the form of any of these diseases is neglected. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize discomfort and eliminate pain.

Treatment of conditions when the joints of the hands and feet ache

Pain in arthritis usually characterized by moderate intensity, often subsides by itself. Usually, the disease affects the joint symmetrically - both knee, both shoulder, or ankle. Sometimes the joints of the hands and feet can be affected only on one side of the body - the right hip and right ray. Treatment is appointed by a surgeon or an osteopath and this is usually antibiotics and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. In severe cases, corticosteroids and analgesic blockades are indicated.

With arthrosis , one or more large joints suffer more often. The pain is sharp, its intensity increases by the end of the day. Treatment of arthrosis involves the use of funds that strengthen the cartilaginous tissue - chondroprotectors, as well as analgesics.

Rheumatoid pain can also be eliminated with pain medication. The peculiarity of diseases of this type is that the pain appears and disappears suddenly. There can be 1-2 seizures per year.

When the joints of the hands and feet ache, the diet can also affect well-being:

  1. It is recommended to reduce the amount of table salt or even to abandon it.
  2. Under the category of prohibited foods, all fast food, confectionery and smoked products.
  3. The number of dairy products should be increased.
  4. Drinking regimen presupposes consumption of up to 2-3 liters of water per day.
  5. When gout is recommended to give up meat and alcohol.