How to cook rice?

Rice cooking can seem like a trifling matter for an experienced housewife, but for a novice cook, this is a test. Rice can be overcooked and turned out to be excessively hard and watery, can be digested and adhered to sticky mush, which is more like a wallpaper paste, rather than a coveted risotto. Therefore, advice on how to cook delicious rice certainly deserve a separate article.

How to cook rice for garnish ?

Let's start with basic tips on how to cook rice on a garnish - crumbly and not boiled. So, before cooking the groats must necessarily be washed to clean water. Usually, rice is washed in ten cold waters, grinding the croup between the palms. The washed rice is put in a saucepan and poured with water at the rate of 300 g of water (boiling water) per 200 g of cereal. Tightly close the pan with a lid and put on a strong fire. After 3 minutes, the fire is reduced to the average and cook rice for another 7 minutes, then again reduce the heat to a minimum and continue cooking for another 2 minutes. During this time, the pan does not need to be touched or shaken, and rice should not be stirred at all!

If you do not know how to weld rice in a multivarquet, then it's still easier. For 2 cups of washed rice, take 4 glasses of water and set the device on the device "Varka" and time 30 minutes. For those whose device is not equipped with this mode, we recommend using the "Pilaf" mode. Finally, you can also figure out how to cook rice in a steamer. To do this, washed rice pour water in equal proportions, turn on the device for 35 minutes, and after a while enjoy a crumbly and well-cooked rice garnish.

How to cook friable steamed rice?

Steamed rice was given pre-treatment with steam before appearing on the supermarket shelf. Thanks to this procedure, rice grains are easier to prepare crumbly.

Rinse the rice with water in the proportions of 1: 2, put it on the fire and bring the water to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to reduce the heat to a minimum and boil the croup for another 20 minutes.

How to cook round loose rice?

Round rice is more starchy, and therefore boil it crumbly is not easy. First you should wash the rice grains to clean water, this will take a little more water and time than would have gone if we were preparing a simple rice with long grains. When the water after washing the rice is clean, pour the rump with fresh liquid so that it is 4 times more. Thus, we will brew the rump in excess of liquid, and not until it is completely absorbed, as usual. When the rice grains have reached their readiness, they will need to be washed with cold water.

How to cook brown rice for salad?

Brown rice is not only more useful than white, but it also makes it easier. Due to its shell, it does not boil, remains friable, and therefore perfectly suitable for salad.

Fill a glass of washed brown rice with 2 1/2 glasses of cold water and put on a strong fire until boiling, after boiling heat reduce and continue cooking for another 35-40 minutes. Finished rice cover, remove from heat and leave to stand for 10 minutes.

How to quickly cook rice in a microwave oven?

The washed rice is placed in a dish suitable for a microwave oven and poured into water in a ratio of 1: 2. We cover the dishes with food film and set the groats to be cooked at maximum power for 5 minutes. At the end of the time, we reduce the power by half and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Before starting the preparation, check the time with the device specified in the manual. Ready rice leave to stand under the film for 5 more minutes and serve to the table just like that or in the salad. Bon Appetit!