Autumn work in the garden in September

In order not to lose sight of the fall, it is necessary to draw up a kind of schedule of garden works in September and regularly look into it, checking with the records. After all, it is during this period that the efforts of gardeners will be directed to the harvest of the next year, which means that time will be spent with profit.


The most basic thing that summer residents spend their energy in the beginning of autumn is cleaning up what they managed to grow over the summer. Autumn work in the garden in September is harvesting apples of various varieties, pears , grapes and berry crops.

All fruits should be inspected for damage, as spoiled will be destroyed by those lying in the immediate vicinity. Remove apples and pears by hand, so as not to damage the integrity of the skin. Grapes are removed without touching the berries, so that the wax coating on them is not damaged - in this form at a temperature of about 8 ° C it will be stored long enough.

It is important to start harvesting the ripe harvest before the long rains begin, otherwise the fruits will be badly cured. The signal that it is time to release the trees from the summer load is that the fruits are easily separated from the branch together or without a peduncle.

Fertilizing and watering

Once the harvest is in the bins, you can begin to saturate the land with useful substances that have been spent for the summer season. Particular attention should be paid to trees and vineyard, which during this period of time there is an active development of the root system.

In order to deliver microelements to the roots as best as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare the trunks. To do this, they dig up or deep loosen, depending on the depth of the roots and the age of the tree. By inexperience, some gardeners think that fertilizer should be concentrated near the trunk as much as possible. In fact, this approach is incorrect, because the roots that absorb fertilizers actively are located along the perimeter of the whole crown. That is, the processing of land and the sealing of active chemical ingredients should be carried out within a radius of at least 2-3 meters.

Under each adult tree will need to make organic, potash fertilizers and superphosphate. These components in the complex are responsible for a good winter and the laying of a plentiful harvest of the coming season. Fertilizer is brought to a depth of up to 20 centimeters, sealing it with rakes. Also on the projection of the crown, you can dig out shallow grooves and fill up the feed for the tree directly into it.

That nutrients were delivered as quickly and without loss, fertilizer should be carried out after abundant watering and before autumn rains. The moisture will carry nutrients to the destination, to the deepest layers of the soil.

Fertilizers are required not only for trees, but for shrubs as well as for grapevines. Cow manure for grapes is always the best nutrient substrate. It is closed in grooves every three years. This is enough to make up the plant.

Watering, as such, is needed not only trees, but also shrubs (currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries), as well as lawn grass, which is last mowed in September. Such "vlagozaryadnye" garden and garden works on the site in September are extremely necessary, especially if the summer was arid and hot.


Another work on the garden plot in September is the protection of trees against pests by means of whitewash with lime or a special garden water-based suspension. The trunks whiten high enough, up to the skeletal branches. In addition to its basic protective function, whitewash saves the bark from spring burns, especially in young trees.

In addition, the trunks must be protected from hares. For this, they are wrapped with various non-woven materials or are built up from a wooden fence.

Renewal of the garden

Among the garden works, which should be carried out on the lunar calendar in September - the planting of new trees and shrubs. To rejuvenate the garden, the seedlings should be rooted until the last days of September. In warm regions, these terms are shifted for a couple of weeks ahead.

To mention the harvesting of all kinds of weeds and dried buds of annuals will be unnecessary, as caring gardeners want to see their site clean and neat regardless of the season.