Signs of Epiphany

Signs of Baptism from time immemorial helped people learn about the weather, and many other things. Traditionally, Christians celebrate this day on January 19. However, in the life of every person there is another baptism - his own. What are the rites and signs about such baptism, we will also consider in this article.

People's Signs of Epiphany

All the signs connected with Baptism, go back to ancient times. However, many of them are relevant to this day. Judge for yourself:

  1. To find out if the spring will be warm, you need to go outside to the Epiphany and look at the sky. If the stars are bright and distinct, it means that early spring and hot summer are ahead, followed by a warm autumn.
  2. A clear sky on Epiphany night says that the year is going to be calm, without shocks of economic and political.
  3. If in the Baptism the full moon - in the spring there may be floods and floods of rivers.
  4. If Baptism fell on the new moon - the forecast is disappointing, there is a lot of frost in front, the spring will be slushy and rainy, the summer - cold.
  5. The year in which baptism fell on the new moon will be full of various innovations, and the habitual life will suffer changes.
  6. If there is a lot of snow in Baptism, it means that there are no serious epidemics.
  7. It is believed that in Baptism all water, even tap water, becomes holy. It needs to be stocked as much as possible, it is able to cure various ailments and drive away troubles.
  8. Girls were waiting for baptism with impatience: leaving this day from home, they watched who would be the first to meet them: if a man is handsome, then marriage is ahead; If a child or an old man is on the way, there will not be a wedding this year.
  9. If you hear dog barking at Baptism, this year financial well-being awaits you.
  10. If in Epiphany you bathe in an ice-hole, all year long you will have excellent health.

Not everyone believes in signs, but this is the culture of our people, and it always causes interest. If you notice that some of the tips have turned out to be truthful, you will most likely change your mind about folk wisdom .

Signs during Epiphany

Most of those who are baptized Orthodox Christians decide to baptize their children. This rite has existed for a very long time and is conducted by the priest in the church. Concerning him there are a large number of signs and beliefs. Do not take them too seriously, just know that they exist.

  1. It is believed that you can not baptize a baby on the same day with one of his parents, since in this case his health and success may suffer.
  2. It is forbidden to baptize a child whose parents are not baptized. If the child was baptized ahead of the parents, you need to give alms to the beggars at the church and pray.
  3. It is believed that the baby will become more calm after the christening, it will be better to sleep.
  4. If the baby is sick, he will be better after baptism.
  5. The Godfather should give the baby a cross, and the godmother - a towel (kryzhma). It's for luck.
  6. After baptism, the baby is not wiped, the water should dry itself.
  7. Other colors of the baptismal attire are not allowed, except white - this is fortunately for the baby.
  8. If during a christening on a window there is a cup, then the baby will be healthy and strong.
  9. On the baptism table, all guests must finish eating all food on plates, otherwise the child will be pockmarked.
  10. Clothes with christening are used when the kid is upset and crying, she will help to fall asleep.
  11. To the baby was healthy, his baptismal clothes should be burned within a year after the rite.
  12. If the bells are beaten before the child's christening - he will be incredibly happy!
  13. The best time for the baptism of a child is immediately after the wedding of a couple.

Believe in the best, because everything you believe in will be fulfilled. Only address to kind and positive signs!