Adaptation in kindergarten - consultation for parents

Every kid before 3-4 years is very attached to parents and home. But sooner or later he needs to socialize, so most children of this age begin to attend kindergarten. This is a very exciting moment for the very crumbs, and for his mom and dad. To facilitate adaptation in kindergarten, you should get acquainted with the consultation for parents on this matter.

How to make a child go to the garden with pleasure?

If your child goes to his group every morning with screaming and tears, do not rush to immediately take documents from a children's institution. But also to wait, that all will pass by itself, too it is not necessary. Here are the most effective advice of a psychologist on the adaptation of a child in a kindergarten:

  1. Leaving the baby in the care of the teacher, do not show your excitement: the son or daughter perfectly read your emotions. Speak in a calm, confident voice, explaining to the crumb that you will surely come after him in a few hours. Tell the child that he will do many interesting things in the kindergarten: drawing, singing, playing, walking, and with all the difficulties he will be helped to understand the teacher and nurse.
  2. Do not go quietly and without saying goodbye, even if the baby has started to play. Seeing that you suddenly disappeared, he will experience the greatest stress. Think up your own farewell ritual - a kiss on the cheek, hugs, farewell hand gestures - and once again remind that at the end of the day the crumb will return home.
  3. In the face-to-face consultation of a specialist in adapting a child to a kindergarten, parents are traditionally told that the regime of the baby's day, even before the first visit to a preschool institution, should coincide as closely as possible with what awaits him in the group. Late laying or lack of a day's sleep is not acceptable: a not-sleek son or daughter is likely to fall into hysterics when parents try to leave them in the garden or interfere with other children.
  4. Consultation of moms and dads for adaptation in kindergarten is simply necessary if the baby is too sensitive, agitated or hyperactive. More often tell him that you love him and never give up. Together, think up a fairy tale, for example, about a bunny who visited the group together with other animals and had a great time there.
  5. Do not leave your baby all day long. Start with a couple of hours and gradually increase the length of stay.
  6. If you are faced with a severe adaptation of the child in kindergarten, you will need the advice of a qualified psychotherapist. He will tell you what exactly parents are doing wrong in this case.