Than to occupy children in the camp?

One should not forget that one of the main tasks of counselors is to help pupils discover their talents and skills, express themselves. Consider the ideas than to take children in the summer camp, so that the rest for them became useful and unforgettable.

The first hours in the camp are especially difficult for the child, because he came to a new place, and he had not yet become acquainted with the other boys and girls. Therefore, the counselor needs to think over what to do with the children in the camp on the first day, so that they do not become lonely and bored. Of course, it's better to start with dating. You can invite the guys to guess the names of each other with the help of hints, for example: "My name begins with the letter" K "", or "My name is like a character in a fairy tale ...". It will be fun for the guys, if everyone screams their name at the "three" account. Then ask them who remember whose name. To continue dating, it would be good for children to find out from which city they came, what their favorite game is, when their birthday, etc.

If the registration of children is over, and before lunch there is enough time, it will be interesting for beginners to engage in such activities:

Answering the question, what to do with the children in the camp, it should be recalled that it is not necessary to limit the leisure time of the pupils only to recreational activities. It is necessary to use different directions of work, taking care of the intellectual, physical, moral and social development of everyone. To understand the emotional needs of pupils will help diagnostic tests: "Unfinished sentence" (when I'm praised, I ...; most of all I like to communicate with ...; I would like to learn ...) or "Fantastic choice" (if the goldfish asks: "What do you need? ", I will answer ...; if I were a magician, I would do ..., etc.). The answers to these questions will be prompted by the counselor, how to organize an individual work with each child, what task to give to the pupils, so that they will gladly perform it.

So, let's consider in more detail the best way to take the kids and teenagers in the camp.

Types of work in the camp

Girls and boys at any age like performances. They are attracted not only by participation in them, but also by the preparatory stage: drafting a script, creating costumes, decorating, rehearsing, etc. You can organize a performance based on your favorite fairy tale, a popular film.

Talents of children are well revealed during concerts, oratorical competitions and sports competitions.

Feel the adults will be able to children during the participation in the meeting of the children's collective. On it you can discuss the problems of the camp, the detachment, the results of some event, the plan for the next week, etc. Pupils will be interested in preparing speeches on these issues. Older children will be interested in participating in the debate, during which it will be possible to discuss the actual problem (for example, "Should I start smoking?", "How useful is reading a book?", "Is modern music good?", Etc. ).

During the summer holidays children should be more often outdoors. It is best, if the leaders organize a hike - a long walk, which will be accompanied by halts with singing songs, games. Cognitive, if during the trip the children will get acquainted with local sights, cultural traditions of a separate village.

Sometimes the weather brings. But there are many ways than to take children in the camp when it rains. You can organize such events:

If the child has remained in the city, then he will not be bored in the school camp either. Most of the events discussed above are conducted by counselors here. But there are other ways than taking children in the camp at the school:

In any case, in whatever camp your child is, it will take care of his physical and emotional development.