Microwave oven with grill and convection

To live without a microwave, of course, it is possible, but having it in the army of kitchen assistants, you understand that the purchase was not in vain. After all, in addition to all the known functions of heating food (Solo), the modern device has a number of useful functions. By purchasing a microwave oven, you can save a universal appliance with grill and convection or just for heating food - the price of these appliances will vary significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of microwave with grill and convection

Let's start with the shortcomings of this device. In fact even at such multipurpose unit they are available, start and not always considerable:

  1. Typically, such a household appliance has a much larger capacity (26-32 liters) than a conventional solo-microwave with a minimum of functions. And this means that the place in the kitchen microwave with grill and convection will take a lot.
  2. Important and the price of a multifunctional microwave oven - it can exceed twice the usual.
  3. Increased power consumption. If you are used to cooking for gas, which is cheaper than electricity, then the acquisition of a powerful microwave can significantly affect the electricity bills as early as next month.

Well, now, to the benefits of which, in fact, and make a purchase. The best microwave ovens with convection and grill are almost the ideal cook. Let's learn more about its capabilities.

Thanks to a grill, or rather a special lamp at the top of the camera, you can get an appetizing crust on meat and vegetable dishes. In some models, namely LG microwave with convection and grill, the grill itself can be moved relative to the dish with the product for a uniform and purposeful toasting. The fact is that LG is the flagship in the segment of similar equipment.

Products cooked on the grill, at times more tasty and more useful than fried, which is important for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. In addition to frying in such a microwave oven, you can even cook whole chicken, thanks convection functions. In this case, simultaneously operates a fan heater for blowing, microwave and grill.

Thanks to the built-in fan, the baking function ( pizza , buns, pies), as in the oven, became possible with evenly blowing hot air. The same option will allow you to cook large pieces of meat or fish.

But to choose a microwave oven with convection without a grill is not entirely justified. After all, in a multifunctional device, the product is simultaneously influenced in three directions - grill, convection and microwave, which significantly speeds up cooking time.