How to eat properly to gain muscle mass?

A girl who wants to acquire seductive forms must know how to eat properly to gain muscle mass. This is the only way that you can get rid of excessive leanness, but do not "take fat" and get cellulite and flabbiness of the skin.

How should you eat to safely gain muscle mass?

There are several rules that make up a scheme of how to eat for a quick set of muscle mass. First, it is necessary to often take food (at least 5 times a day, ideally 7 times). Secondly, it is necessary that the portions are small. And, finally, you should carefully consider the calorie content of foods and their composition BZHU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).

These are the basic rules of how to eat properly to gain muscle mass. Now let's look at an example of a menu where all components are already balanced. In the list below the receptions of the necessary amount of food are divided into 7 times. If possible, try to eat exactly according to this schedule.

What to eat to build muscle mass?

Here is an example of how and what can be eaten in order to build muscle. The menu is designed for a girl, so you can not take it as the basis of nutrition for a man.

So, here's a sample menu:

  1. Breakfast can consist of 200 grams of oatmeal or any other cereal, boiled on milk 3.5% fat. Also add 1 sandwich with butter and cheese and a cup of tea or coffee with sugar or honey. Cheese should not be changed to sausage, but you can use cold boiled pork.
  2. The second breakfast (2 hours after the first). You can eat curd mass or cottage cheese with honey (not more than 150-200 g, fat content not less than 5%). Also allowed to drink juice, compote, tea or coffee with sugar.
  3. Snack (2 hours after the second breakfast). You are allowed to eat a banana, an apple or a pear. Oranges and other citrus fruits are best not to eat, exactly, like grape or pineapple.
  4. Lunch (2 hours after a snack) consists of soup with meat or fish broth (200 g), second course (150 g of garnish, 150 g of meat, unlimited vegetables), a drink. You can afford to take a dessert, for example, ice cream or 30 g of dark chocolate.
  5. Afternoon snack (3 hours after lunch) consists of fruits, like a snack or vegetable salad (150-200 grams) with a piece of black bread.
  6. Dinner (2 hours after lunch). It is allowed to eat 200 g of white meat, steamed with a garnish of vegetables.
  7. The second dinner (2 hours before bedtime) consists of 1 cup of kefir with a fat content of at least 2%.