Trout with cheese in the oven

Trout is one of the most common and tasty noble salmon fish, in which meat also contains very useful and even essential substances for the human body.

You can cook trout in various ways, for example, bake it in the oven and serve it with cheese - it will be very tasty, this dish will suitably suit for an easy festive lunch or a romantic dinner.

When choosing a trout, pay attention to its freshness, because for fish it is the main indicator of the quality of the product. The fish should have a fresh appearance and a normal fishy smell, the color of the gills - bright red, whole skin, shiny scales and clear eyes. The color of the trout can vary significantly even within one species, so color is not an indicator in this case.

Trout baked with cheese



Preheat the oven in advance. We clean the fish, remove the gills, gut and rinse. You can divide the fish into steaks or filleted (without removing the skin) and cut portions of fillets (the tail fins the tail and the rest will go to your ear or fish soup). Steaks from trout will be baked for 5 minutes longer.

In any version, sprinkle pieces of fish with lemon juice. The bottom of the refractory mold is oiled and evenly, but not too often, we spread out the twigs of greenery on the bottom - this will be the substrate. On top lay out the steaks or pieces of fish (then skinned down). And by this time the oven has just warmed up to a sufficient degree. Put the shape with the fish on the grate, you can close the mold with a lid or foil, if you want a well-steamed fish. If you want a ruddy crust - do not need to close. Bake trout at a temperature of about 180 degrees C for about 20 minutes, steaks a little longer.

Cheese rub on medium or large grater. Remove the shape from the oven and turn off the fire. Generously sprinkle each slice fish cheese and return to the cooling working chamber for 5-8 minutes (depending on the features of this oven). Cheese in no case should not flow, but only slightly melted. We will guess this moment (it is visually easily determined) and quickly remove the shape from the oven. Delicious trout with cheese in the oven is ready. We lay out portions of fish on plates and decorate with leaves of greens.

To baked trout under cheese well serve boiled rice , stewed young beans, pickled asparagus, salads from fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, light wines.