Ampel Strawberry

Ampelic strawberry is a special kind of curly and flowing strawberry , represented by several varieties. You can use it not only for food, but also as an ornament.

Ampelic Strawberry Growing

Examples of large-bodied ampel strawberries are varieties "Aluba" and "Geneva". Fruiting, as a rule, repair ampel strawberry the whole summer. On the bushes are formed long shoots with new and new rosettes, which are formed by peduncles and all new berries. In other words, not only the bush itself fructifies, but also its tendrils.

Shoots should be given support, otherwise they will take root, forming new plants. But if you keep them above the ground, the strawberry will not suffer from diseases associated with contact with the soil. In this case, do not wait for the antennae to braid the props themselves. They need to tie.

Ampelic strawberries grow well and bear fruit even in low light conditions, so that they manage to grow even on the windowsills , harvesting all year round.

How to grow strawberry?

For cultivation, the berry needs fertile soil. To berry does not grind, it must be transplanted every 2-3 years. To transplant should be on separate beds, not mixing with other kinds of a strawberry. In this case, the mustache must be taken from the strongest and well-fruit bushes.

Ampel strawberries are often grown in pots and pots, from which the bushes will hang beautifully. Especially attractive is the picture during flowering. Such a bush in a hanging flower pot can even be used as a gift.

In the pot, there must certainly be openings for draining excess water. It is best to plant strawberries in pots in the middle of summer. Before this seedling several weeks are kept in a darkened and cool place.

Do not plant the plant too deep into the ground and compact it. Further care for strawberries is simple. The first peduncles should be removed completely or partially - this will prolong the period of fruiting.

You also need to periodically cut off the mustache, leaving up to 5 mustaches and rosettes on each bush. Strawberry should be fertilized moderately, otherwise it can become ill and stop fruiting.

Before winter, the plants must be walled up and put the pots in the house. If the strawberry grows on a bed, it is necessary to untie its mustache from the grate or supports and lay it on the ground, covering the mulch. In the spring they will become an excellent planting material. All grades of ampel strawberries are quite cold-resistant, so they are not afraid of frost.