Bag-briefcase for school

Choosing a school bag or briefcase for a high school student is sometimes not an easy task. On the one hand, I want to look fashionable, but on the other, I must adhere to some school rules, and also the banal principles of comfort. Let's see how to maintain this balance.

What can

  1. Use as a school bag women's business bag-briefcases. They perfectly match with the classical form and emphasize the exquisite style.
  2. Wearing women's bag-briefcases over their shoulder, they are also called Messenger Bags. They are spacious enough that they can be folded even in a sporty shape, they leave their hands free and are executed in different styles, so they become truly universal options.
  3. Fashionable bag-briefcases with interesting prints or patterns. These are tame versions of those suitcases that are worn over the shoulders of a junior school. All the same nice qualities: textbooks of any formats are easily placed, there is a place for boxing with lunch and necessary fashionable gadgets, only the adult model is improved in style.

What not to do?

  1. Choose too small bags. Small and elegant, they, of course, very well emphasize the femininity and sophistication of the style, but the notebooks folded into a tube and constant attempts, late for the lessons, to shove another complete notepad into the already full bag-too much fee.
  2. Buy in school bags of calling colors and richly decorated with buttons / sequins / beads. Such things are not very appropriate in the strict atmosphere of the school, besides, they constantly lead to conflicts with the administration.

We hope that these little tips and colorful photos of examples of "good" school bags will help make the right choice. The school uniform is not boring at all!