Inflammation of the salivary gland - treatment

If you feel constant dryness in your mouth, you are pestered by a sharp, shooting pain from ear to jaw, and the temperature rolls over 39 - these are the first signs of sialoadenitis, simply speaking, inflammation of the salivary gland. In order to begin effective treatment of inflammation of the salivary gland, you must immediately understand the causes of its appearance.

Inflammation of the parotid salivary gland

Parotid glands are the most common. Their inflammation is indicated by the medical term - parotitis. Before the beginning of treatment of mumps, in the first place, it is necessary to find out, for what reason it arose. Treatment of parotid gland inflammation should be prescribed only by a doctor and only after examination. Self-treatment does not lead to anything good.

Inflammation can result from a virus. It is interesting that inflammation in this case is a secondary disease, therefore the underlying illness is treated. If the root cause of "mumps", drugs are taken that raise immunity.

If the disease has gone without any complications, the inflammation will also stop. With exacerbations, you may be prescribed anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs and drugs that stimulate salivation. Tincture of the root of Echinacea purplish except for increased secretion also increases immunity.

If the inflammation started because of the accumulation of pus in the glands and other toxins (the products of the vital activity of bacteria), then to cure the inflammation of the salivary gland appoint antibiotic treatment.

Attention! If you are allergic to certain antibiotics, be sure to notify the doctor about it and in general, for the purpose of reinsurance, ask that you have a sample for the prescribed drug.

In case of disease due to stones in the ducts, then everything depends on their size. In this case, there are two ways to treat:

  1. Eating and stimulating saliva.
  2. Surgical intervention.

Inflammation caused by professional activity, as a rule, arises from the obstruction of the ducts by a thrombus.

The treatment is the same as in the previous case. In addition, drugs that normalize blood pressure are added.

Treatment of sublingual salivary gland inflammation

These glands have a direct connection with the oral cavity. To the above-mentioned causes of inflammation are added stomatitis and infections caused by decay of food residues, with improper care of the oral cavity. Consequently, the treatment of inflammation of the sublingual salivary gland directly depends on the causes of inflammation.

Inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland

To conduct treatment of inflammation of the submandibular salivary gland, again it is necessary to find out the causes of the disease.

These glands become inflamed during angina, diphtheria, and also in acute respiratory diseases. They react sharply to the disturbance of the lymph flow. After healing from the underlying disease, they cease to become inflamed if the treatment has gone without complications.

Other complications and recommendations for prevention

Tightening with the reference to the doctor can lead to irreversibility of surgical intervention.

You can generally avoid the onset of the disease if:

  1. Use only clean food and water.
  2. Keep the mouth and ear holes clean.
  3. If you get sick with flu or quinsy, keep bed rest until you recover.