The child does not sleep at night

A full-value sleep is important for all family members: both children and parents. Night rest adults largely depends on how their child sleeps. That's why parents are trying to establish the right, comfortable for all family day regime . On this path, some meet with such a problem, when the child does not want to sleep at night. Let's talk about why this is happening and how to solve this issue.

As pediatricians say, a newborn child usually sleeps about 18-20 hours a day, waking up only for feeding. Of course, parents at the same time want the baby to sleep at night without waking up. But this does not always happen, because often children wake up because of hunger. There are other reasons that a newborn baby does not sleep at night. These include:

Beginning at the age of three months, the time required for sleep begins to decline. At the same time, night sleep is more important. As the child grows up, some causes of poor sleep lose relevance, but others appear.

For example, from two years old children are afraid of darkness and fictional characters, nightmares can be dreamed.

What if the baby does not sleep at night?

The decision depends on the reasons that caused the problem and the family's outlook. Some parents take the baby with them to bed, thereby solving the issue of night feeding and fears. This option is not suitable for everyone, so parents need patience, attention and time. If a child wakes up at night, you need to try to understand what exactly caused the cause and eliminate it. Act softly. Change diapers, feed, soothe.

Children who are already attending kindergarten, and schoolchildren also have cases of restless night sleep. This can be due to daytime overexcitation, inability to relax, change of environment, wrong day regimen or illness.

The actions of parents who want to establish a night sleep, still depend on the reasons that caused the problem. But you can give general advice to all parents of growing up children:

  1. We need to adjust the regime of the day. It means trying every day to go to bed at the same time. Get a tradition for the child that is clear to sleep. For example, we drink milk, brush our teeth, hug, turn off the light.
  2. TV and computer replace the reading of books at night, walk in the fresh air. For example, if you go to bed at 22.00, after 21.00 There should not be any gadgets and TV.
  3. Create comfortable conditions for sleep: cozy atmosphere, night light (if needed), comfortable bed, airing.
  4. Teach your child to relax and calm down, adjust to rest.
  5. Tell us about how important it is to sleep at night.

If it seems to you that the child does not sleep neither at night, nor during the day, it is an occasion to consult a pediatrician, telling him his usual daily routine and your observations of the behavior of your child. After all, it happens that problems with sleep can be caused by disorders in the development of the nervous system.