How to wean a child to sleep with his mother?

Joint sleep with parents can be a good way out when solving such an issue as a full night's rest for the whole family. After all, many babies wake up less often, feeling my mother's warmth. In addition, it is more convenient to breastfeed, not getting up several times a night. Now psychologists note the importance of frequent tactile contact of the child with his mother, including during rest. But sometimes a joint sleep with children becomes uncomfortable, and parents are thinking about how to wean a newborn baby to sleep with her mother. This process requires patience, calmness and a certain plan of action from the parents.

How to wean your baby to bed with your mother for up to a year?

Act gradually. First let the child fall asleep, as was customary, with his mother. Then you carefully shift it into your crib. Time after time, every night. The kid will wake up in his place and get used to it.

To make it easier, put the crib closer to your bed. So you will have the opportunity to shake it, take it by the handle, half-comprehend and calm at night.

How to wean a one-year-old child to sleep with his mother?

At this age, babies often do not wake up at night to eat, so sleep can be stronger and more prolonged. At the same time, the habit of sleeping with my mother got stronger, which means that it will take time to get used to your crib too.

To a one-year-old baby it was easier to get used to sleeping alone, let him take with him a favorite soft toy that you can hug.

At night, you can turn on the lamp, if the child is so calmer.

How to wean an adult child to sleep with his mother?

A child older than two years can be motivated by the fact that he is already big, and should behave like an adult. After all, children often so want to grow up. If the family has older brothers and sisters, then you can give them an example: "Look, you now, like Vanya will have his own bed. You're already big. " It is important that all these conversations take place in a positive manner, without excessive perseverance. It's good to talk so that the child himself expresses a desire to sleep separately.

To the peculiarities of sleep of children older than two years is the fact that many people have nighttime fears . This, too, must be taken into account.

For older children are suitable as the above methods, and some others:

If an adult child categorically refuses to sleep alone, you need to talk with him and find out the reason. Only after its elimination it is necessary to decide how to proceed. Decide together how to act, how to teach him to sleep separately.

If you can not understand the reasons that the child refuses to sleep alone, consult a therapist.

In any case, do not act harshly, driving the child and slamming the door.