Chili sauce

Currently, various varieties and subspecies of hot red pepper with the common name "Chile" in agronomy, trade and cooking are grown in many countries with a warm climate. Spicy red pepper is used fresh (ripe and green), as well as in dried (and hammer). It is widely used in the preparation of various dishes in different culinary traditions, as well as for the preparation of various mixtures of spices.

With a hot red pepper, various sauces are prepared under the general name "chili" with varying degrees of sharpness and modifications of flavors given by other ingredients. The second indispensable component of the sharp chilli sauces are tomatoes.

Chilean sauces, originating from Mexican culinary traditions, are now very popular in many countries. These sauces are of the dip type (dip, English); have a consistency with respect to thick sour cream. Chili sauce is perfectly combined with potatoes, hominy , rice, pasta , and, of course, with any dishes from meat, poultry and fish.

Of course, now you can buy ready-made chili sauce almost in any grocery store, the food industry and retail chains offer this product in a wide range of tastes and brands. But you must agree, it is better to cook chili sauce at home - so you will definitely be sure of its composition, at least, in the absence of any unused chemical additives.

Basic recipe for chili sauce


Additional Ingredients:


We will wash the sweet pepper, we will dry it, we will remove the seeds and stems and cut them arbitrarily, not too small pieces. The spicy pepper is also released from the seeds, pedicels and crushed it in one way or another. We'll clean the garlic. All this using a blender, a combine or a meat grinder will be turned into a gruel. Now you can add the rest of the ingredients to your taste. Some not long digest the sauce, but the tomato is already cooked, and for pepper it is not useful. The consistency is regulated by water and starch. All carefully mix. It is also possible to wipe through a rare sieve, if you wish. Such sauce can be stored in a glass or ceramic sealed container in a refrigerator in for a week. The presence in the composition of oil, vinegar and salt, in some way, extend the shelf life.

To prepare a sweet sauce of chili, we include sugar (which is not useful) or natural honey. These ingredients also extend the shelf life of the sauce.

To cook Thai chilli sauce, we slightly modify the recipe, including products typical for Thai culinary traditions: lime juice, sesame oil, ginger (in any form), rice sweet wine (mirin), it is possible to add ready-made tamarinide paste, fish sauces (these ingredients can be bought in specialized shops or supermarket departments).