Feed for puppies

Many people do not understand the importance of dry food for puppies, believing that it can be replaced with food from their table. But some dog breeders themselves do not have the opportunity to eat optimally, what to say about their smaller brothers, and after all, in addition to the main products, they also need mineral supplements and a set of essential vitamins. The rabid rhythm of life leaves little time for hobbies, and often small pets get a very poor diet. The way out is to buy feeds for premium puppies, but here for beginners, animals are full of ambiguity, so a small overview of the products you will not hurt.

Criteria for choosing dry food

  1. Age line . Starter products are recommended for babies who have reached 2 weeks. The Junior class is designed for young 2-month-old dogs and individuals a little older. But Adult - this is not food for puppies, and full nutrition for adult animals. A large pet for baby products is not suitable, there is an entirely different set of substances.
  2. Dog breed . Feed pellets calculated for huge Newfoundlands and St. Bernards, even in size, differ from pellets that are found in packages for chins or toy terriers. The composition of microelements for animals of different breeds should also be different, so buy feed according to the name of the breed on the package.
  3. Lifestyle of the pet . Hunting dogs and those animals that run a lot on their walks will benefit from products labeled "Active", as well as "Energy". If dogs have suffered a disease, then such foods will help strengthen the body with useful supplements. Ration marked "Normal" or "Light" is more suitable for the homebody, there are fewer calories and they will not get fat.
  4. What does the class of feed for puppies mean? It is this indicator that has the strongest effect on both the price of the feed and what is inside the package. Low-sample products and an abundance of grain - this expects buyers of economy class products ( Chappi , Darling, Pedigri, ARO). The premium class is not much higher in quality, it is also full of preservatives and flavor enhancers, and the box does not always indicate the origin of the meat (Brit food for puppies, Hills, Proplan, Royal Canin). It is better to buy super-premium goods (Artemis, Eagle Pack, Festus Chois, Belkando). But the most optimal choice will be the purchase of holistic products (feed for puppies of Akan, Innova, Canida, NOW!), Suitable for use even for humans.