How do I inject a dog?

It happens that the veterinarian prescribes injections to your four-footed friend, and you can not go to procedures. What to do? You have to learn to inject the dog properly. This procedure is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules.

Before the procedure, you should definitely wash your hands using soap , shake the ampoule, wipe the ampoule in place of scrap. Nowadays ampoules are often produced, which can be broken off without sawing, and the place of opening will be indicated by a dot or strip on it. In another case, it is necessary to saw off the top of the ampoule and then break it off, a special saw must be attached to the ampoule for cutting.

After opening the ampoule, we take the medicine with a syringe, and then remove the remaining air from it. For this, the syringe is held with a needle upward and pressed on the piston until the droplets of the drug appear.

Doing the shots correctly

There are two types of injections for dogs: subcutaneous and intramuscular. Prior to the procedure, be sure to read the instructions explaining where and how to do the dog's prick.

How to put a prick to the dog intramuscularly, where you have to stab? Before the injection, we necessarily treat the femoral muscle of the dog's back leg, where an intramuscular injection is usually done, moistened with alcohol in cotton wool. The injection is made strictly perpendicular to the skin of the animal. The muscle is injected with drugs that can cause allergy or irritation with another type of injection, as well as antibiotics that have the property of resolving for a long time.

Another option is a hypodermic injection. Under the skin of the dog there is a loose, developed tissue that is pierced by many small blood vessels and capillaries that provide, albeit a slow, but excellent absorption of the drug. Such a prick is done in the withers of the dog, stretching the skin to the formation of a fold. Then the withers are injected into the base.