A wavy parrot is sick - symptoms

A wavy parrot is a very beautiful bird, which nevertheless requires careful care, after all, everyone can get sick, and in order to start the treatment in time, one must be able to determine the symptoms of ailments. Symptoms of wavy parrots can be very different, depending on the ailment that overtook them.

Colds in undulating parrots and its symptoms

These birds are quite fragile creatures, they may well fall ill due to an elementary draft. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the location of their cells. Symptoms of a cold in a wavy parrot are simple: runny nose and sneezing. To fight a cold pet pet, you need to irradiate it several times a day with an ordinary table lamp, and also give vitamins. Naturally, it does not hurt to contact the veterinarian for advice.

Other ailments of wavy parrots and their symptoms

Parrots often torment worms , which can be quite dangerous for these tender birds. Usually it is lamblia and ascarids, which can be identified by making an analysis of the litter. The presence of worms in an undulating parrot has the following symptoms: the bird loses its appetite, it may have diarrhea, weakness, it loses weight.

Another eternal problem of many domestic pets - ticks , and parrots she did not pass. They have the form of small (about 2 mm) long lines. The symptom of ticks in a wavy parrot is the following: a strong and persistent itch in a bird. In addition, if you blow at the feathers of a bird and look closely, you can see the tick with the naked eye. Wavy parrots can also have so-called fluffy pikes, a sure sign of having eaten feathers, all in a hole. For treatment of ticks, an aversectin ointment is good, and from the fluffy - Front Line spray. If you do not fight against parasites in time, they can cause growths on the paws and beak of the parrot.

Another not very pleasant process for parrots, although it is not a disease, is molting . It occurs in undulating parrots twice a year and has a duration of about a month. Symptoms of molting in undulating parrots are as follows: fallout of the cannon and replacement of all feathers with new ones. During this process on the body of parrots appear tubules, from which then new feathers are formed.

What if the parrot gets sick? Of course, treat. However, it is necessary to know from what, and this will help orient among the symptoms of possible avian diseases.