Energy drinks - harm or benefit?

Manufacturers of energy drinks are delighted with the massive shortage of forces and time, which, as a pandemic, swept the whole world. Now an athlete, a workaholic, and an amateur who is drawn to a nightclub, first of all, drinks not energy, but a coke. Companies specializing in their production convince that the impact of energy drinks on the human body is exceptionally positive. However, at the same time, many countries actively prohibit the sale of power engineers in supermarkets, transferring them to pharmacies, as medicines. And cases with a fatal outcome after taking the jar-another are becoming more frequent ...


Disclosing the secret maps of producers, about the harm or benefit of energy drinks, we will begin, nevertheless, with a positive.

First, the consumption of this kind of drink is justified for athletes who need to withstand an unprecedented load. This method should be controlled by a sports doctor.

Secondly, even if you are not working with muscles but with the brain, energy consumption instead of coffee is also justified, especially in the pores of the "deadline". Also energy, not that shown, but not prohibited, to students in periods of the session. No one argues that in the life of any person there are periods when you need to mobilize all the forces (mental or physical), and the energy sector will really help.

It is necessary to pay attention to two main categories of "refreshing" drinks:

Caffeine energy is more suitable for people who work or study late, and vitamin ones for athletes.

Accelerated, in comparison with coffee, the action of power engineers is not due to "any chemistry", but because of glucose and caffeine, as well as carbonated consistency. Energy is a convenient and fast way to increase productivity.


The damage to energy drinks is caused by the fact that people who sit down on such a convenience drink much more allowed (more than two cans per day). And this leads to rapid heartbeat, increased nervous excitability of the nervous system, and high blood pressure.

Power engineers do not provide you with energy, they affect the body in such a way that we draw strength from our own reserves, for the use of which, still have to pay. The harmful energy drinks - "payback" is manifested in the form of insomnia, irritation, depression.

Caffeine - the main component of power engineers is addictive, and the increased concentration of vitamin B increases heart rate, leads to limb tremors.