How to name a girl a parrot?

If you believe the stars, our destiny depends not only on the time of birth, but also on behalf of. It guides us through life. So why do pets have to be different? Unfortunately, none of them will be able to tell if they like the name they are called. Unless some birds can pronounce it, for example, parrots. Maybe one of them will ever be indignant about the nickname. So let's think over the name of our pet, so that he and he were pleased.

How to name a female parrot?

If, you have a female wavy parrot , and you are lost, how to name it, ask yourself which name you prefer: funny, convenient in pronunciation or, perhaps, romantic. Since parrots are usually kept in pairs, even if the female does not speak, the name of her girlfriend will be pronounced by the male.

Wavy parrots coming to us from faraway Australia are by nature very chatty. There are cases when the vocabulary of some individuals was more than a thousand words. However, it is noted that it is better to teach birds to sing one by one, and only then to look for a pair of them. Its name is the first word that these birds are taught to pronounce. Therefore one of the best options, how to name the girl of a wavy parrot, will be a name from two syllables with sizzling consonants or their favorite letter p. After two or three weeks of classes, you can already enjoy short conversations with your feathered darling. Such can be, for example, the names of Shura, Dasha, Asha, Sherry, Shani, Jerry, Jeanne, Kerry, Kara, Rita, Rada, Chara, Chita, Chika. It should be borne in mind that your talking girl, like all parrots, will find it difficult to pronounce whistling sounds and vowels about, y, e.

Approaching the selection of a name must be taken very seriously. Any attempt to rename the bird is unlikely to be successful. Try to avoid names that occur in her surroundings, whether animals, other birds or members of your family.

If you want to depart from the classical method of the name of your bird, you can give her any name. The speaking female parrot will eventually learn to pronounce it. Some hosts give a double name, for example, the Miracle Girl, the Miracle Bird or Mary Popins. In the case when the feathered girlfriend does not speak, you can call her a beautiful long romantic female name: Juliet, Assol, Alice, Esmeralda, Angelica. Varvara, Gioconda, Ariadne and others for your taste.

Sometimes parrots are called according to their nature. Do not rush to pick a name, watch the behavior of the female, it may be a fun shod, and otherwise, as Skoda, Shtuchka, Zadira or Shmyga, you will not name it.

How to call a girl a parrot by the color of the plumage?

The beautiful and bright plumage of a bird is often to be captured in her name. Today there are more than two hundred varieties of coloring of these birds. If you do not know how to name a green parrot girl, you should resort to association with something green and beautiful, for example, with a flower or an eternally green plant. And easily get a cuff or fir-tree. And, what can be greener than Zelenki. Easier just use the English translation option and give the name of Green.

Yellow is the color of the sun, gold. And there are many options for how to name a yellow parrot: Sunny, Zolotko, Zvezdochka, Zolotse, Zlata, Zlatovlask, Freckle, and the same English Goldie.

We know that there is nothing whiter than snow and wings of a white bird, images of daytime color, purity and joy. Armed with imagination, we will quickly figure out how to name a white parrot. And if we add a little bit of imagination, we will give an answer to the question of how to name the blue parrot. How many flowers around! In your cage can be Basilisk and Forget-me-not, Jasmine and Camomile, Orchid and Pearl. Names for girls' parrots are much larger than for boys, the choice is yours.