Humus is good and bad

Speaking about the harm and usefulness of hummus, first of all it is necessary to learn more about this product and its preparation. It is a pasty consistency that can be used for food, like pasta on a sandwich, sauce or snack. Its useful properties of hummus is due to the use of Turkish nuts and sesame paste as the main ingredients. To complement the dish used a variety of seasonings, olive oil, pine nuts, garlic, paprika, hot pepper, etc.

Let's find out about the harm and benefit of hummus for the figure and the human body as a whole.

What is useful for hummus?

The use of hummus for women is determined by the properties of those products that are additionally included in its composition. The first thing that is useful for hummus is for women - high nutritional value, because even a small portion will quickly saturate the body. It is recommended to start eating with hummus, this is necessary in order to avoid overeating in the future, as the high fiber content in the product allows you to quickly give a feeling of satiety.

This dish will be especially useful for vegetarians, since it has a large amount of iron and protein in its composition.

The use of hummus is to keep a large number of useful components in it. Here is only an incomplete list of what is in the composition of this dish:

  1. Polyunsaturated essential fatty acids - they are necessary for removing cholesterol from the body, contribute to weight loss and lower blood pressure.
  2. Vitamins of group B (B5, B4, B1) - normalize the level of sugar in the blood, support in the cells the genetic process, contribute to the improvement of the brain, are needed for the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  3. The presence of folic acid is required for the operation of the bone marrow, protein biosynthesis, support of immunity, and the assimilation of B vitamins.
  4. Vegetable fiber.
  5. Microelements (molybdenum, manganese, iron ).
  6. Amino acid tryptophan (takes part in the synthesis of serotonin "hormone of happiness").

In addition, hummus has in its composition sesame (contains calcium in large quantities) and olive (source of vitamin E) oil, lemon juice (vitamin C). As can be judged from all that has been said above, hummus can in fact be considered an extremely useful product. It can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made. Very tasty hummus will be when combined with pita bread or pita.

The harm of hummus

Like many other dishes, hummus has contraindications, which should be known to everyone who decides to taste this delicious dish. It has been proved that consumption of hummus can cause the appearance of flatulence, therefore it is extremely undesirable to get involved with such a product, especially if there is a tendency to excessive formation of gases. In addition, do not rely on such a dish people who are addicted to fatness. Uncontrolled consumption of this product can cause a violation of metabolic processes, which in the future can cause excess weight.

In summarizing, it should be said that it is possible and necessary to consume hummus, but in reasonable quantities. In addition to the above caveats, hummus is a useful and tasty dish containing a large number of vitamins and beneficial microelements, so important for our body.