Antioxidants - what is it and what do they need?

When studying the mechanisms of aging, scientists were interested in antioxidants - what is it and what is their role in preventing the destruction of body cells. It was found that due to their protective properties, antioxidants are able to rejuvenate the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

What are antioxidants?

Substances of natural or synthetic origin that can protect tissues from free radicals are antioxidants. In order to understand the role of antioxidants and what it is - free radicals , you need to study the effect of damaging factors. Free radicals enter the human body:

  1. Under the influence of radiation.
  2. When smoking.
  3. When air pollution, water.
  4. Under the influence of ultraviolet.

In the presence of these conditions, the body begins to attack molecules in which one electron (or several) is missing. To acquire stability, they take this electron from healthy tissues. Under the influence of radicals, the processes of damage, called oxidative stress, begin. Antioxidants are able to give their electrons to the destroyed tissues, without losing stability.

Why do we need antioxidants?

The processes of destruction of organs under the action of free radicals are proved for such diseases as:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Alzheimer's disease.
  3. Parkinsonism.
  4. Arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  5. Varicose veins.
  6. Violation of the body's immune defense.
  7. Allergic diseases.
  8. Arterial hypertension.
  9. Atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease.
  10. Cataract.

Experiments were conducted that proved why antioxidants are needed. They are necessary for the restoration of the body and help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of civilization. The use of antioxidant therapy for the rejuvenation of tissues, organs, and even in the prevention of DNA damage in the event of a risk of developing hereditary diseases, has shown its effectiveness.

Properties of antioxidants

In the study of biochemical reactions associated with the action of free radicals, a relationship was established between the aging of the organism and changes in tissues in atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes and cancer. These pathologies were attributed to diseases of the elderly. Cholesterol deposition in the vessel walls, cell mutation in oncology and a decrease in insulin sensitivity in diabetes have been associated with a weakening of antioxidant protection in the elderly. The mechanism of action of antioxidants in such cases is manifested in the restoration of metabolic processes and the protection of the body from damage.

Antioxidants in foods

Anthocyanins and flavonoids possess the strongest antioxidant properties of natural origin. In this case, plants that contain them have an optimal composition for the organism, which allows them to be completely digested, in contrast to synthetic substances. High activity is possessed by such antioxidant products:

In this case, the activity of antioxidants in foods can decrease with prolonged storage, during cooking, baking and quenching for more than 15 minutes. Less damaging in this case is steaming. Therefore, most benefit comes from raw vegetables and fruits, especially immediately after they were ripped off. The more pronounced the color of the fruit, the more antioxidant the composition.

Antioxidants in spices

The greatest antioxidant protection from natural products is shown by spices, although their specific gravity in recipes is small, but the degree of ability to hinder free radicals is hundreds of times greater than in most plants. Many antioxidants are included in such spices:

Gives useful properties of such spices as rosemary, an antioxidant in its composition - carnosolic acid. Preparations from rosemary tone, improve memory, vision, cerebral circulation. Rosemary acid and camphor strengthen the body after suffering infections and injuries. The ability to withstand free radicals is used in the recovery period of myocardial infarction.

The best antioxidant drinks

In order to protect the body from the effects of damaging factors, to preserve youth and beauty, it is recommended to drink drinks daily, antioxidants in which to contain the maximum amount. The leader of this indicator is cocoa, in which these substances are twice as much as in red wine and green tea. It is recommended to drink it every morning without sugar, hot with low-fat milk. On the second place there is a natural grain coffee. Among tea leaves, most of all antioxidants in green tea.

Wine, but only dry and natural, in a dose of one glass a day prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the pancreas, prevents obesity and aging, has an anti-stress effect. In addition, it is useful to use freshly squeezed juices from such plants, rich in antioxidants:

Herbs antioxidants

Many herbs, due to the presence of bioflavonoids, vitamins, organic acids and trace elements, manifest themselves as powerful antioxidants. These properties are best studied in such plants:

Traditional medicine knows that antioxidants are such an effective means for restoring the body, so they need to be taken for health and longevity. This is especially true in the elderly, when the use of medicines gives many side effects, and plant antioxidants act gently and gradually, normalizing metabolic processes.

Vitamins antioxidants

The best antioxidants among vitamin preparations are tocopherol (vitamin E), retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. They are a part of various products and medicinal herbs, but in connection with poor ecology, they are sometimes not enough to provide therapeutic effect, therefore, vitamin supplements are recommended as an additive to the daily diet.

Vitamin E protects the cell membranes from destruction, prevents aging of the skin, protects against cataracts and stimulates immunity.

Vitamin A protects against radiation, restores skin and mucous membranes, strengthens immunity, lowers cholesterol, improves eyesight.

Vitamin C protects the brain, reduces the fragility of blood vessels and stimulates the production of interferon to protect against infections.

Antioxidants for weight loss

To improve fat metabolism and increase the effect of diets, antioxidants are used and weight loss occurs faster, and the health status is strengthened:

Flavonoids promote fat burning and saturate the body with oxygen. They are contained in tea, citrus, peel of apples, plums, peaches.

Indole normalizes the hormonal background and the exchange of fats, it is much in cabbage, most of all in broccoli.

Choline protects the liver from accumulation of fat, reduces cholesterol; There is it in cottage cheese, liver and lentils.

Antioxidants in sports

Antioxidants in sports nutrition are used in the composition with vitamins, microelements in various complexes to increase endurance and improve sports performance. After intensive training, free radicals accumulate in the muscle tissue, promoting oxidative stress, and the use of antioxidants allows the body to recover faster, protects muscles and helps to increase their mass.

Antioxidants - facts and myths

Since the idea to stop the aging process and recover from severe illnesses has become very attractive, the producers of biological active additives used it, suggesting to the consumer that antioxidants are such a remedy that can be called a kind of panacea. In fact, these drugs can really prevent damage in the body, but even the best antioxidants can not turn the biological clock back. And for the prevention of diseases, the aging of the body, in addition to dietary supplements, you need a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Harm of antioxidants

Scientific studies of the influence of antioxidants on the human body periodically disprove the initial hypothesis about their usefulness. In support of this, statistics on mortality in the groups taking these drugs are cited. Different approaches to assessing the impact on humans prove that antioxidants and health are not always interdependent parameters. And for a final conclusion it is necessary to continue clinical studies.