What is useful for millet?

Our ancestors knew that whoever eats wheat porridge, when there is a lot of work in the field, gets tired less. Nowadays, all-knowing scientists explain this by the fact that there are a lot of carbohydrates in the pine, which are slowly absorbed and give more energy and a sense of satiety. But what else is useful for millet?

How many calories are there in the penny?

Millet is a real find for people who are on a diet. In this porridge there are substances due to which fat is eliminated from the body. The energy value of this product is 350 kilocalories per 100 grams, and this is dry cereals, in boiled form and even less. Protein in a pine 12 g, carbohydrates - 67 g, vegetable fats up to 5 g per 100 g of product.

Benefits and harm of millet

In fact, the composition of the pyshenka is so rich that it is difficult to say what is most useful in it. Amino acids, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals - that's a fairly generalized list of the composition of this useful grains.

B-group vitamins help in contraction of the heart muscle, participate in the blood circulation, normalize the metabolism, favorably affect the skin and hair and, even, relieve depression. And vitamin PP improves appetite.

On the question of how useful millet, you can safely answer that its mineral composition. Sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium , copper is far from a complete list of microelements that make up the composition of millet. These elements, among other things, improve the condition of teeth, hair, nails, slow the formation of wrinkles, give the skin a youthful and healthy appearance.

But is there a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey? There is. The composition of millet includes substances that slow down the absorption of the thyroid gland by iodine. Therefore, when hypothyroidism is not recommended to use this mess. It is not advisable especially to lean on millet and people with low acidity and inflammatory processes in the large intestine.