Ranetki - good and bad

Such a variety of apples as Ranetki is smaller in size. He was brought out by crossing several species. The variety of Ranetki apples is resistant to low temperatures and annual abundant fruit bearing. These fruits have an acidic, tart taste, but in comparison with other species they contain a greater number of biologically active components beneficial to health.

Ranetki - good and bad for health

The main advantage of Ranetok is the high content of a large number of useful trace elements. The composition of the fruit contains such components as pectin, potassium, glucose, carotene, sucrose, vitamins P and C. Thanks to the fact that apples are hypoallergenic, they can be used as first food for babies, to make mashed potatoes and compotes. Ranetki can be used for preventive purposes of diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia, beriberi . Apples of this sort accelerate metabolic processes in the body, remove toxins. Those who are interested in the benefits of Ranetoks should know that the rind of apples is used to treat skin lesions and burns.

Apples Ranetki, because of its usefulness and relatively small size, are used in cooking. Of these, jams, jams and other delicacies are prepared. During cooking, they are completely covered in a jar, poured with syrup, making blanks for the winter. Fruits can be used as a filling for baking. But besides the benefit of Ranetki can be harmful to people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. This is due to the high content of pectin, therefore, if you suffer from diseases of the intestine or duodenum, Ranetki apples should be eaten in limited quantities and with caution.