Veganism and vegetarianism - what's the difference?

To understand the difference in veganism and vegetarianism, it is necessary to consider in more detail the essence of each direction. So, vegetarians are opposed to the food that was specially killed for this purpose. But at the same time they can afford animal products.

In addition to vegetation, vegetarians can afford eggs, milk and dairy products, honey.

But, what is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism - by the fact that vegans are considered a more strict species of vegetarians - the first ones at all refuse food in any way connected with animal origin. It is worth noting that some adherents of veganism give themselves indulgences in the use of honey.

The differences between vegetarianism and veganism seem rather insignificant at first sight, but, in fact, are very significant. So, a vegetarian can pick up a fairly diverse range of food for himself, which can not be said for their more strict brethren.

Vegetarianism, veganism and raw food are popular modern currents. It should be noted that raw food can be both a vegetarian, and a vegan. This variety of these diets appeared solely from the reasons for persuasion that the most healthy food for a person is one for which no temperature effect was exerted.

Reasons to become vegan or vegetarian

The question is, why should you limit yourself? There are two main answers to this question. The first is that people start to refuse food of animal origin because of inhumanity: it is wrong that a person, for his own selfish ends, makes people suffer and suffer.

The second answer is more selfish and consists in the following: it is considered that the rejection of animal products can save a person from many diseases and prolong his youth. It is worth saying that scientists have not yet reached a consensus on the latest belief.

Veganism and vegetarianism - what to choose?

If you want to fully devote yourself to the struggle for animal rights to humane treatment with them, then there is no choice - choose veganism. They absolutely exclude in their diet everything that is somehow connected with the fauna.

In the event that you just want to go on a diet, given the newfangled trends, then the vegetarian option is more acceptable. In this case, you can choose a more rational menu, and it will be easier to adhere to diet rules without special suffering for yourself.