Black magic - spells for death

Every day we pass to someone's road, it happens all the time. There are people who forgive, there are those who harbor resentment in themselves. Such resentment becomes more and more destructive every day. In what she pours out - in the most sincere wishes of death.

Today we will talk about black magic spells on death, about whether a person can afford to descend to such a step, and also what to do if one feels that he was under the sights of "well-wishers".

What does "sudden death" say?

How often have you heard / read / seen with your own eyes, when suddenly you get sick, does the person wither and melt before your very eyes? As a result ... dies. What led to the disease - viruses, bacteria, infections not yet discovered by scientists? The human organism can create for itself these non-existent in nature ailments, it is necessary only to give it the right command.

This command is a spell to death.

Why are they conjured to death?

The most humane and correct view is that a person should not kill a person, otherwise he crosses the line of humanity and ceases, forgive for tautology, be a man. We do not take into account the war - this is quite another matter, although it has no justifications. Magic spells for the death of a person are flight and cowardice. After all, if the desire to kill and destroy really overwhelms you, why not just come and kill? It is proud to go to prison for what you have done and shout that you do not regret at all, for you have HAPPENED!

By applying the same magic, you avoid responsibility. A man died of a rare disease - and a touch.

Do not you agree that for "luxury" you should pay generously with your own life?

What about the enemies?

Not you first / first and not you last / last, to whom someone has passed so carefully planned way to happiness. If everyone had resorted to spells on the death of the enemy, the world would have been empty long ago.

Life is overcoming obstacles and science, looking at everything "through your fingers". The best friend beat off your fiance / husband / martyr? Do you think that this terrible sin is worth her life? Of course, it's worth it. But you can look at the matter from the other side. Perhaps she saved you from an unhappy marriage, from genetic diseases that he could pass on to your common children, from disappointments, quarrels and "uncooperative" characters?

Well think, maybe someday, if you do not kill her, of course, after 10 years, you will thank her, because after breaking with that ill-fated, you met the true love of your life.

At gunpoint of death

Let's say you do not want the death of another, but you are eager for it. How to be, how to be saved, when you feel that doctors here will not help?

Wedge wedge will have to kick out, but you need to look for a good magician. It is good, because they save not "black", but white. Do not buy charlatans, look (delicately, without shouting) among friends, maybe someone had such a sad experience. Just ask only those who trust 90% (100% can not be trusted even for oneself).

A good magician will help to prevent damage from you and impose a preventive spell that will protect against "relapses". And your task in the future, not to contact people who can give such gifts, do not say too much in the circle of strangers and try, no matter how impossible it may seem, not to cross anyone's path.

The reasons for the spells to die are love?

Love, of course, is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) feeling that drives our world. And it is in the name of love that we are ready to take the most inhuman steps. That is why, the above example of love.

Remember and realize the following: to love means to wish for the good of the object of your love. If this "subject" is gone, wish him happiness on his life's path and do not try to force him to forcibly. Simply because it will not be love anymore, and accordingly, it will no longer cost the spells to die.