Love spell on an apple

Even in ancient times people knew what magical power apples possess. They were used in religious and magical rituals, they were healed and bewitched. In general, apples were used for various purposes, however, as is known, their main strength is in love, so the love spell on an apple is considered to be the strongest and strongest.

A love spell on an apple acts on both men and women. The main condition for the successful conduct of the ritual is the correct and thorough execution of all the details of the spell.

Varieties of love spell on an apple is huge. For the commission of some of them, it is quite easy to purchase an apple, while others besides an apple require a strand of hair to be charmed, photos, candles and even icons.

Love spell on a red apple

To make a love spell on a red apple, first of all, you need to find the "own" apple in the market, which you like, while choosing the most beautiful and ruddy red apple. For the beginning of the ritual, it must be cut into two identical halves, to cut the middle in no case be impossible! Because the two halves of the apple symbolize two hearts and remove some part of the apple, then cut out a piece of the heart. If the apple turned out to be wormy one should think about - "Is it necessary to make a spell?". If you are still sure of what you need, it's not too late to go to the market and look for another apple.

Next, we write a note with the names, which will later be invested in the bull's-eye. Write only the names without surnames and patronymics. A note can be folded or collapsed that is already your choice. The most important thing is to use thin paper so that it does not interfere with the two halves of the apple. The best non-linear paper is suitable - pink, white, red. We write the names horizontally one after the other or one under the other. The first one spells the name of the one who conducts this ritual.

After the note is ready, we prepare the ribbon, which will connect the two halves of the apple. The color of the tape and the material from which it is made, also does not matter much - all of your choice. Do not choose too thin a ribbon, the tape of average width will ideally approach. Next, we put a ribbon between the two halves of the apple and join the halves evenly, so that the edges are aligned. After that, we tie the ribbon across the apple with a beautiful knot, we do everything neatly and with love. After you have tied a ribbon to correct or bandage it it is impossible, therefore the main thing that a ribbon during tying does not slip.

Now that our cherished apple is ready, we put it on a beautiful saucer. The figure on the saucer does not matter, the only thing to remember is that it does not have to be aggressive. Ideal for a clean white saucer. And put it in a secluded place, away from prying eyes, but it is important that most of the day the apple was in the sun. Where it will be heated for 7 days.

After doing all the work, forget about the apple. Do not run every five minutes and check how it is there. This is a rite and after its completion a person should not influence his outcome with his thoughts. If after seven days the apple withered, then you did everything right and the spell worked, if it's rotten, then again you need to ask yourself the question: "Do you need this do?".

With any outcome after 7 days, the apple needs to be buried in the ground, but if the ritual has worked to dig it in, it is necessary near the house under the beautiful tree that you see every day. Time of day does not play a role, but it's better that people do not see how you do it.

A love spell has an indisputable power and before making this ritual you should think about whether you really need a person whom you decided to bewitch? If the answer turns out to be positive, then it should be remembered that the love spell may fail if, for seven days after the rite, the apple is touched.