The causes of stress in modern adolescents

Not in vain, many parents are apprehensive about when a child will reach adolescence. During this period, the young boys and girls are especially vulnerable. It happens that the disruptions occur on the slightest occasion, the nerves are constantly strained, and the management of their own emotions and behavior becomes impossible. The slightest misunderstanding, a trivial problem - and the teenager turns into a volcano, incinerating parents and parents, and teachers and classmates on their way. What are the causes of stress in modern adolescents? How to fix the situation? Let's understand.

Risk factors

The causes of stress in children during adolescence are so diverse that it is impossible to list them. Hidden or open resentment, serious troubles, critical situations (both real and imaginary), manifestation of any form of violence towards adolescents - all this can cause stress in adolescence. If an adult with a mature nervous system experiences this calmly, then the child has an internal panic or depression that causes psychological trauma.

From the age of twelve the child's body learns to cope with the storm of hormones, which often manifests itself as psychological suffering and even physical ailment. Parents of the teenager are required to teach him to control emotions, to control them, which guarantees the formation of an integral and harmonious personality.

If you identify the most common causes of adolescent stress, they will most likely be:

Long stay in such a psychological state for a teenager is fraught with serious problems, so parents should know how to relieve stress in a child and return him to a normal life.


You should take action if you find the following symptoms of stress in your child:

It's no secret that prolonged stress is often the cause of deterioration in physical health. From stress in a child, even the temperature can rise! Scientists have proved that an adult who, during adolescence, has been in such a state for a long time, is more often sick, and his immunity is significantly weakened. What can we say about the deterioration of mental health? A teenager can not think of anything other than his problem, constantly looking for a way out. Well, if it is found, because in recent times, suicides among teenagers have ceased to be a rarity.

The fight against stress and its prevention

Let the child consider himself at the age of 12-15 years old, but the parental attention is simply necessary for him! It is important to create trusting and warm relations in the family in a friendly format, because for a child at this age "friendly" advice often means more than "parent". Of course, trust, freedom and opportunities for independent decision-making are a risk, but without this a full-fledged person can not be raised!

The best prevention of stress in children is love, attention, understanding, care, trusting relationships. A teenager who is confident that relatives in any situation will support, do not turn away, help, is protected from stress by a reliable shield called "family"!