23 things that delighted the girl of the 2000s

You could already safely forget about some of them. But even one photo from this collection will be enough for nostalgic nostalgia.

1. These blouses with ryushikami and open shoulders. Could there be something more fashionable?

2. Domestic response Asher and other rappers - Decl. His albums the girls heard up to the holes.

3. Live magazines were not at all, but they discovered an amazing world of blogging could not live without their LJ day.

4. ICQ united friends and opened new horizons. In the chatiki you could sit endlessly.

5. In the 2000s, the first part of "Harry Potter" was released. The image of Hermione was appreciated by all self-respecting girls.

6. On the phone Motorola RAZR V3 some yearn for still. And just remember how cool he was in pink.

7. I bet, even now you can type SMS-ku on the button phone with your eyes closed?

8. Shoes on a high platform were not lucky to carry. But all girls dreamed of this. And as a wedge is in harmony with jeans flare!

9. Those girls who did not like the glamorous style, went crazy on a daring little boy with a divine voice and magic songs - Avril Lavigne.

10. These posters inside the magazine can still be stored somewhere on the bottom of the bag with your children's things.

11. "Enchanted" or "All women are witches." The adventures of the witches sisters were enthusiastically watched by all the teenagers.

12. Belts with rivets rushed to raise authority. Such stressed the impudence of personality.

13. Who, tell me, did not dream that such a program as "Searing and meeting" was on domestic television. She after all allows so much interesting to learn about her chosen one.

14. Such popular as in the 2000s charms for mobile will never be.

15. In the 2000s, for the first time, everyone started talking about Tiffany jewelry. But not everyone could boast of them.

16. What it was possible to find in those glasses without rim, is unknown. But they were mega popular - fact.

17. Such rings today would be welcome. I saw an inappropriate color - do not irritate a person without reason.

18. Chokers forgot for a while, but again gradually come into fashion.

19. Love for the rings on the feet of some girls carried through the years.

20. In different versions of The Sims with codes and without them played everything - from small to large. And today it is a lot of to meet those to whom this simulator of a life till now helps to brighten leisure.

21. The highest manifestation of attachment ...

22. The mood, the image, the fashion change - the panels change. The main thing is to choose the right phone model and collect money for accessories.

23. Cheap and angry. Angry enough that until the end of a walk or event, all stickers survived extremely rarely.