Rectal prolapse

You do not need to have a doctor's diploma to guess that this disease is not from pleasant. Rectal prolapse is a problem associated with quite serious troubles and, of course, the discomfort it brings is simply enormous. If you find and start treating this problem in time, coping with it can be relatively simple and quick.

Stages and causes of prolapse of rectum

The prolapse of the rectum is characterized by the exit of all layers of the organ outward through the anus. This surgical pathology is also called rectal prolapse. There are several main stages of the disease:

  1. The first and easiest form of the disease is characterized by prolapse of the intestine only during the emptying of the organ. After that, the body automatically replaces it.
  2. In the second stage, the rectum may fall out not only during emptying, but also because of physical exertion. At the same time, the body itself is not reset, it must be put in place manually.
  3. If a third-degree rectum prolapses, the organ may fall out even when walking calmly or assuming a vertical position. After repositioning, the intestine does not last long, because the procedure must be repeated with unenviable persistence.

Both men and women can suffer from this disease. But as practice has shown, the fair sex representatives with prolapse of the rectum collide more often.

To name one universal reason, according to which the prolapse of the rectum can occur, is difficult. The problem can be hereditary. But often this contributes to a whole group of factors:

  1. Treatment of prolapse of the rectum may be necessary for people who are accustomed to push hard when emptying the bowels or suffering from frequent constipation .
  2. Negative effects on the health of the pelvic floor muscles. And the nature of the damage is absolutely not important, whether it is a trauma, a consequence of an operation or an age-related change.
  3. The rectum may fall out in people whose work is associated with heavy physical labor.
  4. The problem of susceptible and representatives of the fair sex, abusing anal sex .
  5. Sometimes problems with prolapse of the rectum are observed in patients suffering from neurological diseases.

The main symptoms of prolapse of the rectum

The disease can develop in many ways. In some patients, the symptoms appear immediately, while in others the problem develops gradually, and they do not think about what to do in case of a prolapse of the rectum in principle. The main symptoms are:

And, of course, one of the most important symptoms is the prolapse of the intestine itself.

How to treat prolapse of the rectum?

In the initial stages, the colon can be simply placed in place. Symptoms and discomfort after that disappear. And the subsequent manifestation of the problem will help prevent conservative methods of treatment. And yet, without a skilled surgical intervention in the vast majority of cases, it is rather difficult to manage.

Some patients are strengthened with ligaments that hold the rectum. The other part of the body has to be removed. In the most difficult cases, a complete removal of the rectum may be required. In any case, the choice of the method of treatment and its implementation should be under the supervision of a specialist.

It is very convenient and useful to consider a bandage with a prolapse of the rectum. A special device is worn on the abdomen and gently fixed between the legs, so that the body simply has nowhere to drop out.