Increased white blood cells in the smear during pregnancy

As you know, a woman in the state is going through quite a lot of different surveys. The aim is to prevent the development of complications of pregnancy, which can adversely affect the condition, both the pregnant woman and her baby.

One of the first studies in women during gestation is a swab of the vagina. It is with the help of it that one can establish the purity of reproductive organs and exclude infectious diseases.

In carrying out this study, special attention is drawn to the presence of cells such as leukocytes in the assays. Their large concentration indicates the development of the inflammatory process in the internal genital organs.

What is the norm of leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy?

Single such cells can be present in the smear. However, if a woman is told that she has leukocytes in her smear during pregnancy, then their concentration exceeds the permissible values. Thus, the presence in the field of view of the microscope is allowed not more than 10-20 units of such cells. In such cases, to determine the cause of the increase from the concentration, additional tests are prescribed.

What causes an increase in the number of white blood cells in the smear?

Far from always increasing the number of these cells should be regarded as the occurrence of a violation during pregnancy. After all, quite often these cells are observed even before conception. However, due to the fact that there are no symptoms, the girl does not go to the doctor. Therefore, this fact is established only with the onset of pregnancy, when a swab from the vagina is taken from all women when registering.

If we talk directly about why in the smear during pregnancy there are elevated white blood cells, then most often it occurs with candidiasis, vaginosis, colpitis.

However, it is worth noting that many leukocytes in the smear during pregnancy can be observed and with genital infections, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, etc.

Thus, if the woman is registered for pregnancy in the smear completely white blood cells, an additional study is being performed in the form of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which helps to establish the cause of this phenomenon. After all, an increase in the concentration of these cells is only a symptom of a violation, which it is correct to establish which is the task of doctors.