Bags of cloth with their own hands

The original women's handbag can be sewn in one evening. Such an accessory will only be for you, and for work you will need a sewing machine and very few basic skills in the sewing business.

How to sew a bag of fabric - Boho style

For work we will need:

Now consider step by step how to sew a bag over the shoulder of the fabric.

  1. Patterns for such fabric bags are these two rectangles. First we will sew the inner part of the companion tissue, and then the vernal.
  2. Inside the bag will be a pocket. Cut the rectangle and fold it in half along the short side. Inside put dublin (it is used to seal the cuffs and collars of shirts). Smoothing.
  3. Next, we spend the pocket, folding it face inward. Do not forget to leave the hole for eversion.
  4. Put it on the front of the lining.
  5. We are attaching a pocket.
  6. Next, you need to sew two halves of the inside of the bag.
  7. To make a bottom, plot the line on the corner, as shown in the picture.
  8. Let's get into the outer part of our bag. It will also consist of two pockets in front.
  9. These two rectangles. Fold them in and out. In the picture, the fold is at the bottom.
  10. On the upper edge we will sew an elastic band.
  11. The front part will consist of two rectangles of different colors.
  12. We put the duplicate on the workpiece and iron it.
  13. From above put the workpiece for the pocket.
  14. Similarly, make a second half.
  15. Pockets are attached to the base.
  16. Now put the second part from the top face down and spend the edges to connect the canvas.
  17. The second half of the outer part is divided into the same two parts and we spend them.
  18. 18. From two types of fabric we sew a handle.
  19. Inside, we seal it with a duplicate.
  20. Close and smooth the edges.
  21. We spend it around the edges.
  22. That's what the outer part of the bag looks like at this stage.
  23. First, we attach a loafer on one side.
  24. Then strap.
  25. It remains only to connect the two parts of the case and make the bottom of the bag.
  26. We insert the inner part.
  27. At the edge of the fabric elastic elastic tape.
  28. Bag with your own hands made of fabric is ready!

How to make an original fabric bag?

To sew such original women's bags of fabric, you can use a variety of unusual techniques. We propose to do something special with the use of lightning.

  1. We print out simple patterns of bags made of cloth. We transfer everything to the main fabric and lining, cut out.
  2. We mark the end of the straight part of the pattern.
  3. In a circle with pins, fix the zipper. It starts and ends at the point where the straight parts are marked with pins.
  4. We are using the snake.
  5. Now we sew the strap. Cut out a rectangle, the width of which is equal to two widths of the finished product, and the length according to your desire.
  6. Strap pins pins exactly in the middle of the length of the upper part.
  7. Further we spend simultaneously a belt with a basis and a lining.
  8. At this stage, the master of the class of sewing bags from the fabric of the workpiece looks as follows.
  9. Now with pins or chalk we plan on the continuation of the belt line. We put the blanks one on top of the other, as shown in the picture.
  10. Sew on the typewriter. We also spend the lower untreated edges of the lining and the base.
  11. Sew the bottom of the bag.
  12. Since we decided to sew a bag of fabric, its bottom can turn out to be quite soft. It can be sealed with a special tab. From the fabric we sew a bag with the dimensions of the bottom of the bag and insert into it a seal of the type of cardboard or plastic.
  13. We decorate our product with flowers made of lightning.
  14. To decorate the front part of the bag, we fix it with a sewing button.
  15. Stylish original bag is ready!

With your own hands, you can sew a beautiful bag made of leather or denim .