Sarcoma of the lungs

Sarcoma of the lungs is a severe malignant disease, in which the connective tissue that forms interalveolar septa and covers the external surface of the bronchi is most often affected. Consolation is only the fact that the pathology is very rare, even among other types of malignant diseases.

Sarcoma can initially develop in the lungs (in which case it is considered primary), or affect the lung as a result of metastasis from other organs (secondary sarcoma). The tumor has the appearance of a node that can occupy part or all of the lung, and resembles the meat of a fish in a section.

Symptoms of the sarcoma of the lungs

Clinically, this pathology has similar manifestations to other varieties of malignant tumors in the lung manifestations, namely:

In the early stages, while the size of the tumor is insignificant, the disease does not make itself felt and can be detected accidentally, for example, in radiographic examination, computed tomography .

Treatment of lung sarcoma

Typically, with sarcoma of the lung, a complex treatment is prescribed, which includes surgical removal of the affected part or the entire lung, chemo- and radiation therapy. In this case, the operation can be performed not by the cavity method, but using a gamma knife or a cyber scalpel. However, if the lesion is very large, there are metastases, the operation may be ineffective. Also, surgical methods can not be used in certain concomitant pathologies. In such cases, therapy is aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient.

Prognosis for lung sarcoma

If the tumor is detected in the early stages, its growth is not too intense, the disease prognosis under condition of adequate treatment is positive, up to full-fledged healing.

How many live with lung sarcoma?

As statistics show, with the late detection of sarcomas of the lungs and the lack of proper treatment, the survival rate is about six months. Patients receiving adequate treatment, even with a severe disease, can live up to 5 years.