Herbs that reduce appetite

People used a variety of herbs at the dawn of civilization - they fed cattle, covered the roofs of houses, treated herbs with ailments, they also stuffed feather beds and pillows. A variety of miracle herbs gave health, beauty, a long life. Even today, in the age of technological progress and super technologies, we continue to use herbs for our needs.

One of the main areas where a variety of herbs are used is dietology. Herbs that reduce appetite are still relevant, along with magical diets, tablets and special nutrition systems. Every experienced nutritionist knows literally the list of herbs that suppress the appetite, it is also known that herbal teas not only take away the attacks of hunger, but also make the metabolism more "cheerful", give the opportunity for fat people to lose weight faster and easier.

How do grasses dull the appetite?

Phytotherapy is gaining more and more admiration among obese people and among those who are slender and want to always stay in shape. The advantages of phytotherapy products are that they do not harm the body, but gently envelop the walls of the stomach and gently remove the feeling of hunger.

Herbs for reducing appetite work in different ways:

  1. Some of them envelop the walls of the stomach and help him to digest and remove food quickly from the body.
  2. Separate herbs blocking the appetite, just swell in the stomach, press on its walls and give the person who has drunk the broth, a feeling of satiety.
  3. There are weeds that give a mild laxative effect, because of it a part of the food and calories simply does not have time to master, so losing weight goes properly, and the feeling of hunger does not bother.
  4. Many herbs that depress the appetite, put the liver in order, strengthen its "talent" to break down the fats, remove the slag.

What herbs suppress appetite?

The grasses that help build up, you can prepare yourself, and you can buy at the nearest pharmacy. Of course, the greater effect will be on those that you left in summer, away from civilization, gather yourself in the countryside. But if there is no such possibility, it is most reasonable to get the fees from the trusted producers, that is, in the pharmacy.

Here is a list of recipes from herbs that can become your true friends in the struggle for harmony:

  1. Starfish has long been known as a grass, helping to remove fat. It can be eaten raw, can be added to vegetable salads. Excellent "works" salad starchatki, rubbed on the grater of burdock root (it balances the fat content in the body) and dandelion leaves.
  2. The root of licorice will help to remove the thirst of sweet and will repel the desire to snack every five minutes. It can be simply chewed, instead of sweets and cookies, the daily norm is two roots.
  3. Burdock perfectly stimulates metabolism , it works as a moderate diuretic. And he perfectly cleanses the blood, since the iron contained in the mug removes harmful cholesterol from the body. To all these properties worked on your slenderness, pour into boiling boiling water (it needs half a liter) a tablespoon dry root, cook for fifteen minutes on low heat. Decoction of burdock should be cooled and drunk for half an hour before eating.
  4. Nettle will not only reduce appetite, remove toxins but also saturate with vitamins E and C, as well as iron, silicon, calcium. Nettle tea is prepared simply: pour a spoonful of dry nettle with a glass of steep boiling water, let stand forty minutes and drink about twenty minutes before a meal.

As you can see, there are a lot of herbs in the world that will help not only lose weight, but also get rid of harmfulness, become healthier and more beautiful. Do not be lazy, use the gifts of nature and then you will always have a good health and a delicate waist!