
Looking at the map and photos of Norway , you can see that over the Lysefjord there is a Kierag - a plateau at an altitude of 1084 m. Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world rush here to admire the beauty of the fjord and its surroundings.

Stuck Stone

The main attraction of the plateau is the giant stone Kjerag in Norway, which is also known as Kjoragbolt, or "pea". Cobblestone volume reaches 5 cu. m. A huge part of the breakaway rock was stuck between two vertical mountain formations. The gap under the Kierag stone reaches a depth of about 1 km.

The way to the sights

The route leading to the Kjerag plateau of Norway is considered especially dangerous. In some places there are railings on it to ensure the safety of tourists during descent and ascent. The total climbing at the ascent is 500 m. The length of the route is 4 km, the journey time is about 3 hours.

Tips for the ascendant

Tourists who decided to conquer the plateau of Kierag, should remember some mandatory conditions:

  1. Prepare a pair of special shoes that will help conquer the top.
  2. Wear a comfortable set of clothes that does not restrict movement.
  3. Exclude rises on rainy days.

Helpful information

For convenience of tourists at an altitude of 510 m above the Lysefjord there is a cafe. In it you can have a snack and take sandwiches and water on the road. Near the cafe there is paid parking, toilet, shower. There is also an information board that will make it easier to find the right route.

How to get there?

Conquerors of mountain tops are interested in how to get to Kieraga. The ascent to Kjerag begins at Øygardsstølen, to which the highway from Stavanger leads. Because of the many dangerous turns it is open for travel only in the summer. At Øygardsstølen there is an excellent observation deck, which offers views of the winding road and the city of Lysebotn.