Katerina Lehman

In our minds, a conviction has long been formed: foreign - means quality. And there's nothing you can do about it. Italian shoes will always be better than domestic ones, Swiss watches will go clearer, German clothes will last longer, and French ones will have their own unique, barely perceptible charm. And it is important that it is a distant Europe, the West, and not the near abroad, like Poland or Belarus. Domestic producers noted this trend and began to register brands in other countries: England, Holland, Italy, Hungary and others. It is this circumstance that allows them to write in the end: "Produced in such and such a country". But why this conversation? And to the fact that Katerina Lehman - "a well-known brand of the European level" - is declared as a brand hailing from Switzerland - according to one source, and from Germany - according to others. And not modern, but began its existence in the distant 70's.

Firm Katerina Lehman - who and where?

According to the legend, which the manufacturer wants to give out for the truth, the brand was created from the very beginning for ladies from high society. But then all his products reached the masses.

It is claimed that this clothing has long been recognized and appreciated by European women, and its stores are located throughout Western Europe. It is this circumstance, apparently, should justify the prices for the products.

In fact, the only country where Katerina Lehman is represented by a full-fledged network is Poland. How did it happen that the brand, born in Switzerland, is not found in the country of birth, in the neighboring states?

Scant information from a small number of sources gives every chance to think that the brand is Polish, just registered in Switzerland.

Women's Clothing Katerina Lehman

Katerina Lehman's clothes are elegant things for business women who work, rest, walk, travel. Collections always respond to new trends. So now in the brand represented trousers-puffs, delicate dresses, light free tops, stylish pleated skirts, jackets in the "goose paw" and much more.

Katerina Leman's Dresses

Dresses are presented by refined and very feminine styles. These are more working options - casual models you will not find here. But boring conservatism here also does not smell. The only nuance that must be taken into consideration is that in the catalog dresses look much richer and more luxurious than in life. And thanks to high-quality photography, and thanks to the models. In life, factors of mediocre quality materials and planting into a concrete figure are included.

Katerina Leman's coat

Drape coats in their composition almost always have wool in larger or smaller quantity (from 40 to 85 percent, as a rule). The composition is supplemented with natural and synthetic fabrics, so that the product will better keep the shape, not stretched, the fabric does not kashlatil and so on. Usually it is viscose, cotton, acrylic, polyester. Models - up to the knee, are shorter rarely. Depending on the trends in the fashion world, in the collection of Katerina Lehman you can meet the style:

Colors are also very classic - black, gray, pastel shades . Sometimes there can be something richly bright: terracotta, yellow, green.

Katerina Lehman Costumes

In each new collection, Katerina Lehman necessarily presents women's suits of varying degrees of elegance. As a top is not always a jacket - there are blouse jackets with short sleeves or tops in - summer collections. In the models for the special occasion, which sometimes appear in the autumn-winter collection before the New Year, designers sometimes offer suits with long, half-length, elegant skirts.